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Everything posted by teamplur

  1. Took me a bit to figure out. First u need to build a rolling machine. That's the only place you can craft the railcraft stuff. Then u need 26 blocks of coal coke oven to make the oven. Has to be a 3×3×3 structure with a hollow space in the middle. Then u can cook coal into coke and also get the liquid for the ties btw it was at this point that I saw how long it takes just to get 1 creosote oil. I got pisssed and changed the settings to something less retarded. Go to the configuration and ctrl-f "oldrecipe" change that value to true. That let's u skip the damn rail ties. Also there is another option so you don't have to use the rolling machine but that's not so bad. I agree about not wanting to cheat but that was just retarded slow. Oh and hey if you get it working, and you build a tunnel bore, see if you can access the GUI for the bore. Its not working on my server and no one else has even responded on my post to even say its working for thet m To all: sorry about the grammar and stuff. I'm on my cell at the moment so its a bit of a pain to type any better than this.
  2. teamplur

    Rubber trees?

    Right so... about the leaf thing. If you set your graphics to fast, instead of fancy. Leaf blocks will become opaque. The IC2 rubber trees will still be transparent. I have had no problem finding them 'so far'. I suggest a few options. Start a new world with a different seed. This is easiest but not a good choice if you have stuff in your world you need to keep. Next option is keep searching farther out. Swamp biome is the best place to find em. This option is tedious and slow, and relies on chance. Also searching sucks balls without any fast travel methods. Next option. use a cheating method to get them. this one is probably the best option and most variable methods. possible ways: activate cheat mode in NEI and give yourself 4 or 5 rubber tree saplings to start a small farm. then switch back fast for three days as atonement for cheating. other option is to use MCedit to spawn in some rubber tree logs/leaves or the saplings. um... other than that.. ya... good luck
  3. *****UPDATE IMPORTANT FIX FOR TEKKIT****** Ok guys. If you want to use your tunnel bore at all in Tekkit, here is the fix for the GUI problem. In the config file for railcraft, the net entity ID for the bore is 124, but the gui for net uses ID 120. To fix it do this: Look for the following line and change as indicated on both the server and client # change 'net.gui.cart.bore' only if you think you have a conflict in SMP when opening GUIs net.gui.cart.bore=120 change to: net.gui.cart.bore=124 Just tested it and this fixes it. This seems like an important fix for anyone who uses railcraft. Let me know if it works for you guys! ****End UPDATE***** Hey all. Been working on a new Tekkit world with my Kid. I built a tunnel bore in order to set up rails on the surface. I am having a problem where I can't click on the machine in any way to access it's controls or inventory. I saw a brief mention of this problem on the official page of the minecraft forums. The mod author says something along the lines of it possibly being a GUI problem. Has anyone else had this same issue, or anyone NOT have this issue and been able to use the tunnel bore? Also any one know of a possible workaround? I'm on windows 7 64-bit. 12gigs of ram. All other mods have worked mostly fine so far... I had installed Flan's vehicle mods but deleted that set up and started with a fresh server. I still have the same issue. Right clicking on the bore from any side has no effect. going by what I saw in a preview video, right clicking the bore from the front is how you access it. any help would be awsome :)
  4. i don't think you need to input any ip address there. it server should be available on your IP address on it's own
  5. I think the server launch batch tries to allocate 2-3 gigs of ram by default. A 4gig system is probably just barely enough to run a tekkit server. RAM is dirt cheap right now. I'd suggest investing in at least an extra 2 gigs. I'm assuming you have windows 64 bit. If you are running 32 bit then you are probably SOL. You can't go over 4 gigs on 32 bit and I thought I read somewhere that you cannot allocate more than 1 gig of RAM to any process in 32 bit windows. I was at 4 gigs and just added 8 more and I'm now running the server with 3 gigs starting, and 6max. as well as running a client with 2gigs allocated. Works great ^_^
  6. Ah, it's the spawn area thing. I never knew that. I guess I'll just turn OP back off and just not build there . See, I knew it was something stupid and obvious ;
  7. Hey, I've run a server here at home for myself and kid. One think that I can't stand is that you have to OP for some reason so people can build. I don't want anyone to be an OP as I don't like having the option to cheat for anyone including myself. So basically, how do you make it to that anyone can destroy/build without having to give them OP? I'm sure there must be some obvious way that I'm overlooking
  8. What you NEED to do frostminer is grow the fuck up. Kaker and the rest of the team have put in long hard hours to make installing technic a no-brainer. If you are scared of putting in your U/N and PASS then DON'T USE TECHNIC PACK. You can go, download all the mods yourself. Install them all one by one. Correct any block ID conflicts. Figure out what mods do and don't work well together without further fixing. Then go and make your own installer and post it somewhere else that ISN'T HERE. Kaker explains in the preview video that the installer is open source. If you are scared of your info being stolen, feel free to inspect the code yourself. The technic team (as far as I can tell) as well as most of us here expect that if you want to use the full minecraft and benefit from all the hard work of mojang, modders, and the technic team, then the least you could do is pay for the damn game. We sure as fucking well can police people. It's our (the community) modpack. And if we don't want people who post stupid questions, or bitchy complaints, or cheap bastards around here, we sure as fuck can tell them to change or GTFO. Maybe you don't understand that the launcher in essense IS the technic pack. Technic doesn't owe us users anything. We don't have any RIGHT to use it, other than the privilege they give us from their hard work so we don't have to figure it out ourselves. I'd hate for us to turn into jerks like the aether mod guys, but damn I almost wish we could IP ban people from using the launcher.
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