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Everything posted by Lordgaspode

  1. Hey guys, I'm looking at renting a server for myself and maybe 2 or 3 friends to play Tekkit on. I've never played on or rented a server in the past, and I'm looking for some advice on what sort of spec I should be looking for when choosing my server. Any advice or guidance is appreciated.
  2. Wrong section, this is for Technic (ie SSP)
  3. Your in the wrong section, this is for Technic (SSP), not Tekkit (SMP)
  4. You have to install adblock, but you still have to wait the 5 seconds.
  5. You should just use some bored lonely soul, like myself, to constantly monitor the forums and highlight the stupid.
  6. Firstly, I'd just like to say that I love the internet, I was sat here bored and then I found this thread. Second, OP how do you think the world works, did someone email you and inform you that your suddenly in charge of everything, cos dude I got that email too and it's a scam. Thirdly, thank you technic forums for reminding me that although we're all equal, I'm still better than a lot of people morons.
  7. Yeah, but it's not compatible with Tekkit.
  8. Yes, asking others to do it for you is easier. Also if tekkit was virus'ed why would so many otherwise smart people use it? Remember that common sense is free, so don't be afraid to use it.
  9. Dammit, Tekkit stole my wife and friends... well sort of.
  10. Damn you, now every one will assume that it's actually me who retarded.
  11. Can we get this published or stickied or something, this is the best example of literature that I have ever seen. Seriously though, I'm wondering which brand of bath salts this guy buys.
  12. Dammit I can't find the third thread, and I absolutely must know how the story ends.
  13. Sorry, forgot about the difference on texture packs, mine has red sides for input and yellow lightning bolt for output
  14. have you ensured that the power is going into the right face of the MFSU? (one of the red ones)
  15. I had a quick look for you http://lmgtfy.com/?q=minecraft+server+rental+on+the+east+coast
  16. you should probably post an image or a link to video with a time code so we can see what your referring to.
  17. I love that MCF (among others) complains constantly that Technic uses mods without permissions, and steals the mods for the Modpack, and yet when ever some on MCF complains that someone stole or copied or used their mod with permission, their attitude 9 times out of 10 is, "shut the F*** up and stop being a baby and go talk to the guy and see if you can work with him, if you can't then tough doo doo," if only they were smart enough to understand irony. On a personal note I didn't know that Technic has permissions to use the mods they do, or that they once didn't, but on the other hand I couldn't give a sh**, (if one day I make a mod and it gets featured in a mod pack such as this one, I will be honored).
  18. Okay I'm also having this error, I'm using SphaxBDcraft texture pack for mc 1.2.5 with the tekkit 7.2 patch, I downloaded and installed the version of optifine that was mentioned, with the same thing happening after. The wierd thing is, if I replace my texture pack jar with one the exact same, it fixes it for a while and the machines appear as they should, but after an hour or so they return to being completely white all over. Any other ideas, or should I look for a new texture pack?
  19. Nevermind, crafted some world anchors and they seem to have resolved the issue
  20. Hey guys I'm having an issue with the waterproof teleport pipes. Basically I'm trying to bring oil from its well to my base which are about 400m apart, every time I set the teleport pipes to the same frequency and I ensure that one end is set to 'receive true'. Then when I return to my base, no oil is being received. I go back to the oil well and the teleport pipe has turned transparent and when I break it, it returns a cobble pipe, also the same thing happens when I return to my base, I looked on the wiki and the range is apparently over 1000m, but just in case I tried having the oil go to a midway station between my base and the well and the same thing keeps happening. Is there something I'm missing or is the maximum range actually less than 200m? Any help would be much appreciated.
  21. looks like minecraft have been having server trouble all day, they posted a link to check the server status on twitter (http://help.mojang.com/) it currently doesnt seem to be working which is a bad sign
  22. yeah cheers, got it sorted now, used obsidian pipe attached to a pipeline which goes to my base, might have to look into that teleport pipe though, it sounds fun
  23. thanks very much, i appreciate the suggestions
  24. I want to build a mob farm that kills the hostile mobs for me, I have a design in mind which kills the mobs and delivers the dropped items via a water channel to a collection point, I'm wondering if the Technic pack (ver 7.2.6) has any machines or such that would collect the items for me and dump them into chests. Does anyone know if this is at all possible and if so how? Many thanks for any help you guys can offer (I'm kinda a noob at Technic)
  25. Is there any way to add modloader to my installation?
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