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Posts posted by ThePartyPig

  1. Ah misunderstood what you said, my mistake. thought you was saying it shutdown, but the temp gauge regulated it.

    And for the EE thing, didnt mean anything as a 'common consensus' type thing. just my own biased view. Dont take it to heart.

    Just me personally, I cant see anything that uses EE without going "Wow that is amazing work,wait,ohhhh....now I see it uses EE. nevermind I take that first part back"

    Its like seeing an amazing build in minecraft, you being awestruck and ask "WOW, you mined, smelted, and crafted all this stuff by hand?" and they go "no no, I used creative mode". The awe factor drops by about 100 fold :P

    Yeah I do agree with you, It takes quite alot out of the game. When I play tekkit I try to use it as little as i can, and no, this is not me explaining myself;) But I do think the condensors are useful aswell as the flyingring and a few other things. I normally stop playing when I have got like 20 stacks of red matter, just sitting in my power flower as I dont have to do anything to get materials :S

  2. wait, if it overheats and shuts itself down regularly..that wouldn't be very efficient would it?

    Given that with EU over time it outputs due to shutdowns, can be matched with a lower ucell count?

    And I agree, its using EE to do it, nothing seems impressive with the "I win button" boxes EE provides :)

    The version I showed in the tutorial doesnt shut itself down, and I might give it a try using compressors and snowballs :) I will update you on how I proceed!

  3. Not a bad video,but unfortunately it's neither the safest nor the most efficient reactor design available with Tekkit. Come back when you have a reactor which won't explode filled completely(6 chambers) with Uranium cells, which if it ever DOES explode, won't blow your stuff up.

    Hey! How does it get more safe then this? Theres a Thermal monitor that sets of at a low temperature, which stops the generator instantly. If you mean the surroundings of course I didnt cover the whole thing with reinforced stone. When It comes to efficiency, from my knowledges theres no way for a reactor to be completely full with uranium, run continously until the uranium depletes which is cooled using external cooling! But I really would enjoy seeing a version!

  4. Nice video, but I do have a few things to note.

    1: You're using EE. You might as well skip the reactor entirely and condense lava cells to be fed in Geothermal Generators.

    2: Please use default texture pack when making tutorials as it makes things a thousand times easier.

    First of all, thanks for the response! I like it alot, and secondly, I have buildt the geothermal generators you are talking about, and in order to generate the same amount of power you need a huge amount of generators, 102 to be precise.

    Therefore I normally chose to build the nuclear reactor.

    I will change back to the normal texturepack for my next tutorial!

  5. If you need one more if anyone decides to leave, Im in for it. But there will be a problem if all of you guys live in the US, as I live in europe. but heres my application.

    IGN: ThepartyPig

    AGE: 15

    SKYPE (Pm me if you would not like to reveal): Pm if needed

    Experience: Ive played minecraft since alpha, I have no Idea when that was though. Ive been playing tekkit for a month, and have reached the "end" of industrialcarft and EE twice.

    Why would you like to be part of the team: I would love to be a part of a server where everyone has series going and where there are companies.

    I can both record and edit. Aswell as host a server for about 8-10 ppl.

  6. Title: Lag when looking at a certain point.

    Version: 3.1.1

    OS: Windows 7

    Java Version: 7

    Description of Problem:

    Well, Suddenly ( I was in game when I noticed it) I got lagspikes when I was looking at my house. I did some investigation and it turns out that when I look at a point at my wall, or when the crosshair is close to it, it starts lagging. I have checked for any blocks that might have acused lag. Nothing to be found

    Error Messages:


    Error Log:


  7. Title: Block Breakers in multiplayer

    Version: 3.1.1

    OS: Windows 7

    Java Version: 7

    Description of Problem:

    When I try to use some block breakers on my server, the breakers accept power once and they break a block, and the next time it recieves power it will not break any blocks until I turn it using a screwdriver.

    Error Messages:


    Error Log:


  8. Title: Tekkit now suddenly lags

    Version: 3.0.3/3.0.4

    OS: Windows 7

    Java Version: 7

    Description of Problem:

    Me and a friend wanted to play online, and since the server you are "pushed" to download is version 3.1.1 and i was playing at the recommended build 3.0.4 and I was forced to update. After the update REIs minimap stopped working so we downgraded both our tekkit and our server back to 3.0.4. Now, I get some serious lag, and in the beginning i could change render distance and it would play just as normal, but then after 5-10 seconds it started to lag like crazy. Now it have gotten worse and it lags even if I change render distance. Also worth noting is that it only lags in one world, my main. Which I moved to the server files, used it there and then moved it back into my tekkit folder.So when I make a new world I have no lag.

    Changing renderdistance and such doesn't help. Im playing on a good pc so that would not be a problem.

    Error Messages:


    Error Log:


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