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Everything posted by ShadowHall
there has to be there's always multiple solutions to this stuff
well there's the funny part for some odd reason i can't have 64 bit java on my computer because even though i have 64 bit OS my graphics card is 32 bit and it's the default card i got when i bought the computer
also my allocation options only let me go to 1gb which is default for me.
please tell why i would do that if i've had issues doing that before with tekkit and doing so would cause it to ctrash
yes i understand that but i don't understand how he would try to help fix that issue of the thing crashing when i allocate more ram to it. and like i said previously the only lag i get is when the minimap updates
what do you mean by ok then?
i'd rather not because i did that before with tekkit and it's lag and i kept crashing on start up and i don't want that happening with anything else
listen i know all that stuff and i get lag only when the map updates. second idk where to find where the info on where my ram is located
also when the lag seems to happen is when the minimap is loading things and i just went to close and it crashed wow
first off no i haven't. second what does allocating ram and knowing my computer specs have to do with a modpack for minecraft?
What causes the lag and is there anyway to fix it?
i'm not saying all of them i'm just saying for the most popular ones people are having issues with.
yes i do want packs to work so anyone can use them without having issues with downloading them BUT ftb and technic are the only two modpack launchers that i see and ftb requires you get permission not matter what mods you get for the pack. in my honest truthful opinion somethings needs to be done so that there are not as many complaints as i'm seeing. I'm not saying technic is responsible for maknig the change but at least say something to the author like, "hey i see your modpack has a lot of complaints over this issue could you please do something about it." something like that. It's easy, it's simple, and if the person doesn't want to change it and the complaints still go on then that person doesn't really need or deserve to have their modpack out there unless they can make it to where there is no issue with downloading it.
i just think that the complaints on the discussions are getting overwhelming about this and something needs talked about.
i know how to make a modpack BUT i have been told by many modpackers that you have to get specific permission from the author of the mod to make a pack with it. This is due to the fact of mods not being compatible with other mods and you need to let them know which other mods you have with it. Plus it's also due to usage permissions.
and to be honest from looking at many discussion pages the only packs that don't have as many issue is the ones technic itself is responsible for. i just feel something needs to be done or looked at because i'm seeing way to many complaints.
Well then i can understand why alot of people just use magiclauncher or something or just go to FTB. No offense.
free - yes, without many many restrictions - no.
i'm not. I just don't understand why people use it. And when people are constantly trying to get really cool and popular modpacks constantly complaining they can't because of dropbox, it shows that there needs to be a change but i haven't seen any changes on the modpack authors part so people CAN download it.
it's not just pixelmon it's alot of highly rated packs that have this issue if you look at the discussion on the popular mod packs. A lot of people are complaining (including me) about dropbox not letting them just download the files to start up the modpack.
that's why i don't understand why people use the dropbox twebsite to host files and stuff. It's a annoying and not worth it because of the file ban and disable that happens with high traffic.
But what if that's the only pack that's there for it or if that's the only pack of it that works take for example pixelmon 1.5.1 epic edition. there are many many packs with it that revolve around it but they're barely rated or don't work right. plus what about these packs that you get it downloaded but it won't download all the files because of dropbox getting in the way
if that's the case may i make a suggestion? Please make it to where you can't use dropbox for your file downloads because of the temporary disables because of high traffic. This makes it very annoying to download the files.
so you're saying that i can't post bug reports about any modpacks except the ones already on the forum lists?
Where am I supposed to post bug questions for modpacks other than the modpacks listed under bug reports?