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About cdee15

  • Birthday 10/15/1985

cdee15's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. Hey, cdee15! This is Cody with Horizon. I just wanted to let you know that we plan on opening in a few hours! So if you're still interested feel free to check us out at hexxit.bxbservers.com and our website at bxbservers.com!

  2. IGN: Urber_Dorito Age: 14 Why Horizon: My friend (sativa1874) has said he has been playing on this server for a while and from the sounds of things it seems like a decent server so he suggested I join. Goals On the Server: Explore the modpack fully in survival - Build an awesome house/Secret Base - Create an everlasting War/Alliance with sativa - Start a factory and a random shop to sell something (Still thinking of what to sell) P.S - If there are any problems with this submission I may take a while to edit my post as I did not know I had an account on Technic Fourms. P.P.S - The war will not interfere with any land,structures,other players (That do not join), or other Players house's. P.P.P.S - Sorry about all the P.S's...
  3. IGN: Urber_Dorito Reason for wanting to become member: My friend sativa1874 has got me into tekkit quite recently and we have been playing on a couple of servers that were okay but quite boring but my friend told me this one tops them all off. Reason to accept me: I have played tekkit for about a month now and I have been treating my friends with respect and fairness (e.t.c no greifing sharing loot helping building...) and the admins have liked me allot for my enthusiasm for tekkit so i plead that you let me become a member so i can invite my friends to this great server! -Cdee15 (A.K.A Urber_Dorito
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