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Everything posted by Nlorant99

  1. APPROVED ARYEH56 and HAWKMAN561... but beware if one of you gets banned you both do
  2. Gen this is 1.4.6 tekkit lite is 1.4.7 sorry
  3. APPROVED John99999999999 Remember to add custom zip
  4. 1) you install multimc 2) download zip file from media fire 3) open multimc 4) click on instances button in multimc 5) copy zip to this folder 6) unzip
  5. Hopefully it works this time Punk your essential yml got corrupted. Fixed it
  6. APPROVED puckrocka Add the custom zip
  7. I might have spelled you name wrong one second Try again
  8. Forestry... so the custom zip has a mods folder and config folder copy and paste them into tekkit folder select merge when it asks you... and i made better instructions for when you asked before
  9. I'm working on that it didn't work the first time I tried.
  10. GregTech Doesn't work with the Technic Launcher. GregT is apparently a huge douche and hates tekkit. http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/gregtech.35411/#post-295534 Funny that you ask though Maybe Twilight Forest later.
  11. Okay I did something wrong but do this and it WILL work 1) Unzip the file i gave you (COPY THE CONTENTS) 2) go to your tekkit folder (where the texturepack folder is are found) with %appdata% 3) Paste Contents (Select merge Files)
  12. APPROVED OxXAussiXxO Just remember to add the custom zip
  13. Mac OSX Fix: Copy unzip this file in a MultiMC Instance folder http://www.mediafire.com/?8xq6ltm5xmmg1cf Run From There Temporary Fix Until They Fix the Actual problem 0.5.2
  14. APPROVED GenProteus Just remember to add the custom zip
  15. It's for adding mods... I'll be taking suggestions for any new mods people want to add
  16. Hello Welcome to the New SkyCorp Tekkit Lite Server (0.5.7) This is going to be a brand new whitelist server without Mysticraft (I had no choice due to lag) but everything else is available. So the server is going to be small 10-15 people Application Form IGN: AGE: Favorite Mod (Just wondering): Why you want to join: Rules: PvP is Enabled No Griefing/Stealing Don't Attack People in there homes (It's just annoying) Admins: nlorant99 hippiepaloozza Looking for one more but I will choose (AKA DON'T ASK) Custom Zip v.2.5(Adds Gravitation Suite, Forestry, Charging Pads, and RailCraft): https://www.dropbox.com/sh/h10x89xz5uuoai1/7Oa0TugF_P PM me if you have problems IP: SkyCorpTekkit.no-ip.org Mac OSX Fix: Copy unzip this file in a MultiMC Instance folder http://www.mediafire.com/?8xq6ltm5xmmg1cf Run From There
  17. That's sucks i really liked the server EPICMON Jon9999999999 GenProtous You guys never griefed and were always helpful so if you want i'm making a small 10-15 person tekkit server and if you private message me I'll whitelist you and give you the custom zip that I will be using. (Gravition Suite, so I can fly like tekkit classic) http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/skycorp-tekkit-lite-0-5-2-bukkit-customzip-whitelist.36772/
  18. NOOOOO!!!! My mountian, diamonds, and infinite lava generator and turtles are gone ..... Oh well it really wasn't that hard to not get greifed... I just kept my stuff down a massive hole that looked like it would kill you if you jumped down
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