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Everything posted by ezeglace

  1. ►IGN:ezegalce ►Age:19 ►Time Zone: est ►Time usually on:always ►What is geocaching? the search for hidden objects in the world using coordinates
  2. i would like to make a public apology in front of the whole server
  3. This is great it is what i have been looking for since i found tekkit, this is a truly magnificent theme you have here, i also appied on your site
  4. minecraft.net is down
  5. just happened to me now got the exact same thing
  6. In-Game Name: ezeglace Age: 18 Experience with Tekkit: great with ic2 rp2 and ee2 Did you read the rules?: yes Your personal http://whitelist.mcf.li/ link: http://whitelist.mcf.li/check/result/6b4674c10092be532b649ad1dae12d61d5022bb2 Why were you banned?[if not leave blank]:
  7. how do i ask a question here? (i'm so lost)

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