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About Zenn

  • Birthday 12/28/1992

Zenn's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. Name: Ocelot22 Age: 16 What do you wish to accomplish?: I would like to play on this new mod pack it looks so fun. I really like what this server looks to offer. Have you played IC2 or buildcraft? I played it about a year ago, but then I stopped and now I'm here again. what is the purpose of a macerator? To break up ores that havn't been smelted to get more of that. Or to break an already smelted ore into a dust. Like coal dust for nano armor. Recommendations(if you been invited): No. Others things i should know: I like tekkit.
  2. I was on earlier but then it crashed when you left.
  3. IGN: Ocelot22 Age: 15 Experience with Tekkit: I played tekkit about a year ago and I'm looking to get back into now that I got a good PC. I'm kinda a noob right now, so I'm looking for a good peaceful server to learn how to play the new version of tekkit. How long you have been playing for: I was playing for about a year before I quit. I recently started back up maybe a week ago. What you are good at (Buildings, etc.):Well, I am good at building I also learn recipes quite fast so I will probably be good at the game in about a week of playing time. Why you think you would be a good addition to the server: Because, every server needs that one friendly noob.
  4. Minecraft Username: ocelot22 Time Zone: Central Reason for Applying: Been looking for a good tekkit server and this one looked nice. Do you plan on staying: I do plan on staying as long as there are people to play with. Opinion on Explosions: I don't use them nor do I judge people that do. Are you a nice person: Yes.
  5. IGN:ocelot22 Reason for wanting to become a member:I have had alot of fun on the server Why should we accept you:Well, I would like to have the plugins so I can set my home and I belive there is Iconomy so that would be nice
  6. IGN:Ocelot22 Age:15 Timezone:Central U.S How long have you been playing tekkit:I've been playing tekkit for about a month now mabey a little bit longer but I have no other server to play on and yours looks fun so I would like to join. How often will you be on the server: Most day s from 2 to 8 hours Would you like to join the teamspeak(optional):Yesh!
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