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Cylek Whiteclaw

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Posts posted by Cylek Whiteclaw

  1. Why am I applying:

    I'm applying because I feel I have the experience and maturity to help with the server. I've also seen there aren't very many staff on the server right now, where as the server is rather active. I can be as active as possible (note I'm in the GMT Time zone) and there when needed. and I know when to handle most situations. I felt applying for moderator would seem more appropriate since applying straight from player to admin seems a bit over the top to me.


    I've moderated, Administrated and helped set up quite a few servers in my past time playing minecraft, I've only managed one tekkit server in the past, but the player management isn't exactly any different. I know my way around most bukkit plugins and am a fast learner when it comes to new ones. I also have past experience with TS3 servers, though I haven't spent too much time speaking to people on them.

    As far as i know you are not even a member, plus if you read the forum the server is down atm for repairs.

    Edit: You will not be staff on this server because of your history. Got a ban for Fly hacking and Advertising.

  2. In-game name: ajay1770

    age: 18

    experience: Little, but learning. I started playing consolecraft (minecraft: xbox edition) then I moved to PC and my friends introduced me to technic/tekkit. I started on ssp about 2 weeks ago. So I want to move to smp so I can play with my friends.

    I would also like to apply for my friend due to him not having a forums account. I showed him the rules. Also, if he were to do something to get banned, I will take full responsibility for him.

    In-game name: WolvesScythe

    age: 18

    experience: He introduced me to technic/tekkit. He has quite a bit of experience, from what he has explained to me via xbox live.


  3. Ign: MinecraftiaGamer

    Age: 18

    Experience with Tekkit: Expert,I just need to figure out the farming part of ic2 and the machinarys of redpower(blu-tricity).

    Did you read the rules?: Yes, It's the first thing I do when I join a server, I read and rules.

    I will not promote you for your record of griefing.

    IGN: enginekid92

    Age: 20

    Experience with Tekkit: Advanced

    Did you read the rules: YES


    IGN: Mr_Penguins

    Age: 13

    Suggestion for the server: Make a Texture Pack (just saying it would be awesome)

    Sphax's PureBDcraft has a Tekkit patch for 64x\128x textures

  4. In Game Name: shadowsess

    Age: 15

    Experience With Tekkit: I've been with tekkit and the technic pack since it's orgin.

    Did you read the Rules?: Absolutely, Never start playing on a server without doing so.

    I would love to help anyone with their creations, and if possible, add a few of my own.

    ING: sphr8

    AGE: Private or 18


    sphr8 please note that we do not tolerate cursing and you will not receive OP for any reason unless Cmuff decides to grant it.

  5. IGN: Guesswhat123212

    AGE: 24

    EXP with Tekkit: Long time modder first time tekkit user

    Rules: Read them over a few times so I would not miss anything

    Suggestion: I saw signs saying you were building a subway, I am unsure where it is or where its going but and eaiser way to get to the survival portal when wanting to mine would be awesome, so maybe a sub system on the survival side.

    In Game Name:mihai16121998


    Expirience with Tekkit: I have a high expirience in tekkit and in mixing the mods to work together

    Did you read the rules?:Yes i read the rules and i like them.I will follow them.


  6. Well apparnetly cmuff didn't even talk to his "skilled" staff.

    Seriously, i'm still in jail for nothing, while i like this server a lot and would like to play on it in the free time.

    Again, i repeat, i'm being accused by a mistake just because i was nearby the time these accidents with MrCakeIndustries (Who you have abused, and i have never seen him playing after that) taken place. Can't you just check? I'm clean.

    Also, why are your mods saying that the refinery and combustion engines are banned? They really don't appear to be banned, but again, we were accused of having banned items for THAT. Refinery is really fine, how else we could get fuel for jetpacks? Combustion engine is far more dangerous, but it doesn't deal any damage with the protection this server provides. And both don't appear on the banned list. Check before you say.

    Cheremenin, We apologize about any supposed abuse you and MrCakeIndustries, may have suffered at the time. You are in jail because you harassed the moderators and will continue to be so for this behavior on the server. MrCakeIndustries was a bit irrational as the equipment we "took" was actually destroyed in creative mode and we would have gladly respawned it back after we were done. Combustion engines were banned at that point after your incident because of what happened and are now unbanned because Cmuff fixed them. Please stop posting in such a rash manner or you will be banned, there's no need to be this upset when typing on a forum or that hateful because of a misunderstanding. As for the Refinery, well that was also a misunderstanding.

  7. IGN: Saifwitswag/repounited

    Age: 15/15

    Experience With Tekkit: My friend and I have been playing tekkit for over a few months, so I'd say we're pretty experienced. We've also been playing minecraft for over a year now :)

    Did you read the rules:

    1. No hassling admins

    2. No spam

    3. No duping

    4. No hacking

    5. No griefing

    Yes, I've read the rules. So has my friend.

    Your personal link: http://whitelist.mcf.li/check/result/1dad3ca7f5e880e0f1978765ccb71d9b40e2d574

    We're looking forward to joining the server!

    Both whitelisted!

  8. Whitelisted but don't drink this time lol.

  9. Application to be a Moderator,

    IGN: Dragonmaster358

    Age: 18

    Skype Dragonmaster358

    Previous experience: None for minecraft other than a miniserver i ran for a few friends of mine, as for tools i can be supremely resourceful, 1 month of tekkit and i know how most the stuff works already. Been an admin several times on Garry's Mod though so got experience with been admin outright.

    Why you should choose me: Very popular on the server, and have been working already to help other admins and mods with keeping the server running smoothly even when none are online.

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