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About Protieus

  • Birthday 09/14/1990

Protieus's Achievements


Stone (3/9)



  1. Cool um what else...Anyone play anything other than minecraft thay was good lately?
  2. You foiled my plan! no but really il fix that right now
  3. Yeah we don't want Russia getting ideas I mean the things a nuke on wheels ON mars! I mean no disrespet to russians in this post by the way its a joke I honestly always wanted to be russian.
  4. I plan on learning Lua is it that hard?
  5. Your lack of a profile pic is bothering me.

  6. Your right why would anyone want such a marvel of technology to be damaged?
  7. Oh, but it's still annoying to most people Them people are you one of them? Also Sorry.
  8. Really Canada me to BLOW IT UP !!!ONE!!!12!111ONE
  9. Its a bug thats fixed in the update of one of the mods I think.
  10. So Kakermix is jesus christ? It's all coming together now we will know his plan soon.
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