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  • Birthday 11/26/1997

XMASCRITERS101's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. and seriously iv been tryin to get help but no mods r on pls fix this
  2. if an admin is on the forums or somthing now can u tp to my last position before i logged off and pls type /butcher.... i was just trying to collect glowstone and the pig men attacked me if u dont help me my powers gona go down really far and my land wont be protected or at least get rid of the 3 sec waiting time before tp so i can quikly get outa there, plsss i beg u
  3. all the other tekkit servers r crap urs is great
  4. OMG pls unban ban me il do anything me and my friend were making a company plsssssss i need this il do anything il giv back the items
  5. ok ummm i dont know what to say but i would like to play on your server because i love towny servers and my regular server just went down:( anyways ya i love tekkit and your server seems well run.
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