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About Ilovemacy010

  • Birthday 10/22/1997

Ilovemacy010's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. Are you still looking for people for your server?

  2. xijon88 Reported.
  3. hey here's the skype name : paul.tadi

    steam name: pauldbest1

  4. well guys.. i need some informations, so PM me your skype add or steam add name
  5. we search ONLY 1 more!
  6. Hey guys^^ i have a private Server, with 4 slots (24/7) I search 3 guys more , for playing tekkit on this server. It would be good to have a headset and ts3 too. What i want to do? maybe a little town or something together. Requires: No kid, Headset(Teamspeak) Experience for tekkit
  7. Ye.. sorry. but i would like to talk..
  8. I know, i know, you search a server for about 10-20 players , but whats with a 2-4 Player sized server?^^ I have a server (24/7) and search 1-3 Players for it^^ if you're interested, you can join^^ all what you need is a headset,ts3 OR skype
  9. Hey Honeyderp^^ i know i cant help you with this commentary , but do you want to play in Multiplayer^^? I search a experience'd guy to play with.. i have a own 24/7 Server(Private).. I hope you answer me^^ thanks.
  10. Really nobody wants to play? ^^
  11. This wasnt mean so^^ Im Still searching a Player^^
  12. I didnt become a message from you. anyone can add me, who want to play^^ I posted my Skype id already--- so add me in skype pls!
  13. Well then add me in skype.

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