Server Rules:
No chests, hacks or exploits
No spamming chat
No advertising
Do not abuse staff, we are here to help
No exessive use of bad language
No combat logging
Dont make or use any rockets/explosives that can explode 10 chunks. ( MAXIMUM )
Have fun!
No mods have been removed from the mod pack
No banned items!
The server is made by me, i've bought this server because i wanted to play it with friends (vanilla), but because i watch the yogscast a lot, and they are doing a voltz series, so i was making a voltz server with no banned items, exept redmatter explosives/missiles
This server should be up 24/7
We have a little communtiy going at the moment but we would like to expand the community thats why we need you!
The server runs on 2GB RAM
How long have you been playing Minecraft?
How long have you been playing Voltz/Universal Electricity?
What would you say your skill/knowledge level is in Voltz? (beginner, fair, adept, etc)
Why do you want to play on the server?:
What do you think you'd like to do if you are accepted?: