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Everything posted by Artful_Dodger

  1. will we have to re-apply for whitelist?
  2. InGameName: blazeboy44 About: 16 almost 17 years old. Started out playing vanilla Minecraft. Watching direwolf20's LP I found out about mods like IC, BC, EE, RP. I started to add mods to my vanilla client until I found out about the Technic / Tekkit launcher I've now been using it for a couple months and have learned and discovered every mod in the Tekkit mod pack. Location: USA, EST Why Tekkitia: Love the forestry mod! Also have been looking for a server that isnt run by a bunch of 10 year-olds that ban people at will. Do you understand troublemaking/rule-breaking/griefing? Yes. I dislike players that cannot collect resources on they're own so they decide to take from players who have earned them.
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