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Everything posted by itches

  1. Idream is owned by jacgaming and is currently on version 1.1.3 which needs the new technic launcher. this thread is a lil out of date :)
  2. L o L The owners are corrupted because "His faction duped items" seems legit. Why stay in a faction with someone that dupes and you know they will end up getting banned for it and there items and possible the factions items removed?? I don't see how this makes the owners corrupted. Can this stupid thread be locked? lmao
  3. People from your server advertising on other servers, that's kind of a dog act. Might want to tell your players not to do it.
  4. Why whats wrong with your big "32gb box" that was ment to stop all the lag??
  5. Wow someone that agrees with me, your 100% right i didn't post that to "hate" on there server, i posted it to show players the truth. No player deserves to put up with there crap and have the right to know what happens behind closed doors. Well i got banned for it must of done something right.
  6. I really find this funny, ask 10 people that were on at the time, ffatma you were not so dont go saying im full of shit. "justicetom" think thats his name is a donator, go ask him, "tobe(random numbers)" go ask him "jack10902" ask him. I really dont care if use dont believe me or not, have fun with a member spawning shit in for people.
  7. i know who did it LOL i have his name i would tell you on skype but you deleted me LOL
  8. And you dont believe me that a player was in creative dropping stacks of everything? i got screen shots if you want it tyrant. the fact that he was able to fly up 100 blocks above spawn, not a donator, and the fact that he droped 2 stacks of blackhole chests is kinda a hint he was in creative. dont believe me check logs, i asked how many black hole chests did he drop some guy said he picked up 33 of them. he dropped alot more then 33
  9. LOL its not an admin its a normal player with creative LOL nice, a normal player has creative mode unless he made stacks and stacks of hops, mass fabs mfsus hvs and machines STACKS OF BLACKHOLE CHESTS LOLOLOL stacks of oil fabs, lava fabs lolololol well done tyrant.
  10. Yep wow an invisible admin dropping stacks of stuff, crap server, would not recommend it.
  11. Wow my brother just joined and at the spawn people were dropping stacks of HV solars, stacks of RM,Diamond blocks, full 50mill klien stars, stacks of iridium plates and more, seems like a great server.... or a corrupt admin?? unless your servers economy is that fucked up??
  12. This server is using schematics of other peoples builds and claiming them as there own. For example that boat in the screenshots + more.
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