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  1. He'll post it when the stuff is sorted out, in the meantime everyone should get on Teamspeak.
  2. I love most things Minecraft, but I don't really enjoy anything 2D in general. The powder games are probably my favorite 2D games, though.
  3. This may be surprising to some, but the United States of America aren't responsible for every monumental advancement in science and technology.
  4. I realize I went to far, it was clearly a joke, that sort of thing just kind of catches my nerve, sorry. Also: Why "primarily by the US"...? >_> A little patriotic are we now?
  5. And I don't see why you would want the best Mars rover ever to be destroyed, it's pretty senseless. No matter where you live, you'll learn something new, and possibly important from it, and wanting it to blow up is just closed-minded. Actually, even wanting something blown up just because it belongs to a country that you think doesn't affect you with their downfalls is pretty ignorant Just sayin
  6. I watched the Horizon documentary, looks awesome so far! EDIT: Hope it lands safety! Sure would be a shaman if it didn't.
  7. Te possidere IMPROCERUS generatiua organum!

  8. It was all shapes and colors, I don't remember how it happened exactly, but it was a long and painful process.
  9. I lost my password because it was spliced with someone else's. I figured it out though, it was "1234word".
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