Ingame Name: son588
Age: 14
Tekkit Experience (Yes, No): Yes.
Amount Played (If Yes): Around 8 months. (Yes)
Tell us why you would like to play on our server (Multiple Sentences Please):
Hello, thank you for having the time and reading my application. For starters, I'm a retired Tekkit server owner. I know how to operate the server, and know how to manage with bad players. I would like to join this community because; I enjoy playing on Tekkit, it introduce lots of new things to players who want more things in Minecraft. I'm advance in the game, and I understand how it works. No, I'm no newbie, dumbass, nor retarded 5 year old troll. I enjoy PvE, and that how it has an Anti-Grief. Possibly, I will have my brother, and some of my friends to write an application on this server if it's a good server. Possibly, I might think of apply for moderator, but it's your choice.
Previous bans: The last, well known ban was over 8 months ago. It was really for a stupid idea, but I forgot, cause it been 8 months ago >_>.