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About naethryn

  • Birthday 08/23/1980

naethryn's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. is the server not coming back up? in game name [necrofaith]
  2. ign: necrofaith Age: 32 Timezone: central How long: 6 months or so Time on server a day: 1 hour + teamspeak: maybe
  3. In-game username: necrofaith Age: 32 Timezone: cst Why do you want to help join this server?: I want to wander off and start my own little outpost in the middle of nowhere and watch it grow. Do you have previous experience with Tekkit?: I have played Tekkit on my own private server for about 6 months now with my son, familiar with most aspects of IC2,Buildcraft and Railcraft. Looking for somewhere I can build a nice factory and then create a city or something and not have to worry about griefers
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