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Everything posted by knuckles1950

  1. InGameName:knuckles19 About me: i love to build complex stuff and im prity bad at spelling Location: western stander time Why Tekkitia?: i like small none lag servers Do you understand troublemaking/rule-breaking/griefing will get you banned/removed? yes if i do grief or breack any official rules you may gladly ban me
  2. hay bewood im knuckles19 and i was on your server for awile and i cant log in what happned
  3. ign knuckles19 i have no epic screen shots but ill make one one your server strength / weakness in Tekkit weak cumputer craft storng every thing eles
  4. ign: knuckles19 age: 13 timezone: easten standered time How often will you be on the server:every other day Would you like to join the teamspeak(optional):maybe Your http://whitelist.mcf.li link:i dont know what this is Why you received the bans (If Applicable):i have necer been baned
  5. whats happing with the server

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  6. InGameName: knuckles19 About me: i love tekkit and i want a server that i dont have to deal with graifers Location: USA Why Tekkitia?: its souds like just what i need Do you understand troublemaking/rule-breaking/griefing will get you banned/removed? Yes i understand fully
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