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Marco Bartoli

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About Marco Bartoli

  • Birthday 09/10/1996

Marco Bartoli's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. I don't have an AlienWare or any other overpriced PC and I can still run Minecraft with a 256x Texture Pack 60 fps flat. I don't blame you for not including the 256x version but you can at least update the 128x version which is the default, recommended resolution of the pack. Thing is, we are able to run these packs and enjoy it so why preventing us from enjoying these high resolutions packs with Technic/Tekkit ? I'm sure you are old enough to not say things like : "Make it yourself if you don't like it" (that would be pathetic especially if you start making something and not assuming it afterwards). I respect your work but understand that not allowing us to use this resolution is like buying something that cost 670€ and using 10% of it only. Good day !
  2. Good morning, I managed to make it work by creating a .bat file that I placed in the .techniclauncher folder with the following code inside : java -jar technic-launcher.jar Have a nice day !
  3. Launcher Version: Technic 7.2 Operating System: Windows 7 Premium 64bits Java Version: Jre7 Antivirus Program: Avast! Description of Problem: Greetings, I recently downloaded the Technic Launcher and got the common error of the .exe that closes after checking updates. I reinstalled my 64bits JAVA (newest version) but I had the same problem. However, it created the .techniclauncher folder with the technic-launcher.jar file in it. Then, I did "Open with" and tried with both java.exe and javaw.exe (by setting them as default) but nothing happened. I also tried disabling my AV but it doesn't seems to help. I would be grateful if someone has a solution to this. Good day ! (My apologies for any grammar error, I'm not a native English speaker) Error Messages: Error Log:
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