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About Brightonmorris1

  • Birthday 01/02/1997

Brightonmorris1's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. Yo, I would love to join a smaller server without too many banned items. My ign is brightonmorris1 and I am a huge tekkit nerd. Is the server whitelisted or not?
  2. lol I have been playing single player while listening to Nugget in a buscuit... ten hour version :/
  3. oh ok?
  4. Ugocraft is an amazing mod, I know that it is buggy and dosen't work with forge, but I think my factories need huge doors and massive spinning gears.
  5. InGameName:brightonmorris1 About me: I am fourteen, I love the whole industrial thing with tekkit, I dislike huge servers with building areas and other junk. I just want to play tekkit with some other people, I don't greif or any of that, like I said, I just want to have fun on a server with people. Location: Utah USA Why Tekkitia?:like I said, I like this server because it isn't terribly huge and I love the fact you guys have forestry mod installed. This server sounds like a great deal of fun! Do you understand troublemaking/rule-breaking/griefing will get you banned/removed? Yep.
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