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Everything posted by redser10

  1. Minecraft Name: redser10 Age: 18 Country: Ireland Why do you want to join: This looks like a fun server to play in. I like how there isn't towns or an economy to make it more like the way Minecraft is for single player. If you got MCbans, explain your bans: I have no MCbans.
  2. InGameName: redser10 About me: I'm 18. I love building stuff in Minecraft especially with Tekkit. I'm still getting used to building with Tekkit but I find learning how to build the new machines fun. When building in Minecraft, I usually team up with another person to be more productive and I often build with my friends. If other people had problems I would be willing to help them out. Location: Ireland ( GMT ) Why Tekkitia?: Tekkitia seems like a fun and friendly server which would be enjoyable to play in. With only 30 slots it would be less likely for griefers to get in so my friends and I can build in peace without worrying about our work being destroyed. Do you understand troublemaking/rule-breaking/griefing will get you banned/removed? Yes I do.
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