InGameName: bigboss500
About me: I'm a fun person to play with
Location: Philippines Laspiñas City
Why Tekkitia?: It looks like an awesome server to start with
Do you understand troublemaking/rule-breaking/griefing will get you banned/removed? Yes
InGameName: bigboss500
About me: I'm a fun person to play with
Why Tekkitia?:Because it's an awsome server
Do you understand
will get you banned/removed? Yes
In-Game Name: bigboss500
Age: 11
Experience with Tekkit: 5 months
Did you read the rules?: Yes I don't spam,duping ,hack,and grief
Why were you banned?[if not leave blank]:
Sir I want to join this server so i could test my tekkit skills please accept me thanks! :)