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Posts posted by spaceagecaveman

  1. Age: 22

    IGN: spaceage90

    Why: Old server no longer exists after I took a break from Minecraft, looking for a new one to meet other Minecrafters and build random hoobajoobs.

    What: Depends on the terrain really, I just build something that is aesthetically pleasing to me. In my old server I had a cafe selling soup and food, shop for colored wool, sheep farm, and plantation house with garden. http://imgur.com/a/UcSEy (all of those had been griefed, pond drained, wool changed with Philo Stone in wool shop, wood changed in Cafe, etc, which lead to me taking a break from Tekkit)

    Boop. Sup ya'll. Gimme dat whitelist again pls.


    Edit: To clarify I wasn't un-whitelisted due to griefing or rule-breaking etc, I stopped playing back when the server was still Minerva's Realm.

  2. Age: 22

    IGN: spaceage90

    Why: Old server no longer exists after I took a break from Minecraft, looking for a new one to meet other Minecrafters and build random hoobajoobs.

    What: Depends on the terrain really, I just build something that is aesthetically pleasing to me. In my old server I had a cafe selling soup and food, shop for colored wool, sheep farm, and plantation house with garden. http://imgur.com/a/UcSEy (all of those had been griefed, pond drained, wool changed with Philo Stone in wool shop, wood changed in Cafe, etc, which lead to me taking a break from Tekkit)

  3. I also am crashing due to someones quarry. I last remember being at spawn, but now I cannot login. Please move me or kill whoevers quarry is crashing us

    The dang forum errored out on me and made me double post

    Wickedsick and Spaceage90 both have a quarry at spawn, not sure which is the problem causer

    Might be mine, I had just placed it before I started crashing again because I was an idiot and mistakenly assumed PROBLEM SOLVED.

    tmek ban quarries pls lol

    (In all seriousness that would solve so many problems.)

    EDIT: Could it be due to quarries who are next to activated landmarks but haven't taken the shape of the landmarks due to the lack of available chunkloaders? That was the case with mine.

  4. Hey Tmek, when you get a sec can you move me manually back to spawn? (Or delete the block causing my problem)

    Whenever I log in I instantly crash because of a quarry near where I'm at (mrlemons1995 and OrAnGeS1995's house)

    I already did a full reinstall of Tekkit Lite, so I dunno wtf. I don't think the server's crashing just me or maybe all people around there? Might just need to eat that block.

    -- Tile entity being ticked --
        Name: Machine // buildcraft.factory.TileQuarry
        Block type: ID #0
        Block data value: Unknown? (Got -1)
        Block location: World: (-889,64,-1472), Chunk: (at 7,4,0 in -56,-92; contains blocks -896,0,-1472 to -881,255,-1457), Region: (-2,-3; contains chunks -64,-96 to -33,-65, blocks -1024,0,-1536 to -513,255,-1025)
        at yc.h(World.java:2153)

    Full error log here -> http://pastebin.com/s5g4WE6S

    EDIT: I don't know if it fixed itself or if you fixed it but I seem to be fine now. Maybe someone else picked up the quarry.

    EDIT2: I went near another quarry and it started doing it again, so I dunno wtf. ;; Now I'm near spawn.

  5. 64Ninja I think its not your fault that we keep crashing and lagging even though it probaly is you I don't think you are trying to do this on purpose


    I don't think anyone thinks he's doing it on purpose, but there's also the aspect of 'the server seems to be crashing when I get on and people seem to be confirming that to me, maybe I should take a break and not overreact and cry on the forums about it'.

    Also I agree with Farvin that the signal-to-noise ratio is becoming.. well.. miserable at certain times of the day and definitely support a whitelist. While it does discourage new-new Tekkit players I feel like it's pretty common in a pack like this with so many ways to bugger things up if you don't know what you're doing reasonably well. I mean it's the 2nd time in a week that the server has been severely crippled by someone's cock-up. Might also cut down on all the newbies crying 'Griefer'. (Or they could just lrn2claim, but that's a whole 'nother mamajam)

    I would disagree with wyjkk that having a whitelist 'doesn't create [a] friendly atmosphere' as that depends more on the quality of people playing rather than the quantity.

    At the end of the day it's all up to tmek to fix all our cock-ups and clean up all the messes and he's a great guy and admin for putting up with all the shit and actively trying to fix things. He's just one man for crying out loud. D:

  6. TMEK theres a gllitvh going on get on server now I have infinite wire like wtf pls fix it

    This problem seems to be related to IC2 wiring (and piping and Blutricity wiring) using 2 items at a time when placed. Having 1 wire and placing it gives you -1 wire.

    Also now someone else seems to have corrupted their chunk and this time doesn't even have the common decency to know they've done it and try to help us figure out where. :/

    tmek whitelist pls

    Also @adavidso; The "Edit" button exists for a reason, stop double and triple posting pls.

    EDIT: adavidso, in a hilarious twist of fate you're one of the people causing the crash, lol. Stop logging in for the time being.

    EDIT2: Minedraulics is also crashing the server. He managed to give us coordinates. -938, -1444

  7. It's effecting a couple other people too I think. Every time I log the same thing happens. Maybe my house is too close to Ember's. I think anyone who spawns nearby it basically crashes the server.

    Confirmed happening to Orange_Ink, Phantom-something (can't remember name) and carneymaster11 who was kind enough to give coordinates before we asked him to take the night off so the issue can be fixed.

    -231 -225.

    Being that that's super close to spawn I feel like this is going to be a big issue.

    tmek pls halp <3


    Using the dynmap that scrambles luckily had a link to we found that where carney was is close to both Orange_Ink and Ember's claims so yep.. def in that area.

  8. Firstly I did not double post I just edited the first it but if you mean bumping my post yes I did. Now we have that out of the way, thanks for all this information, I wish I was any good at art but sadly I am so shit that I can draw/paint anything.

    Firstly, (to clarify) the forum rules make no difference between double posting, bumping, or low-effort posts.


    Secondly, you should read the Rules, located here before you get probated.

    Thirdly, why don't you post in the Maxpack texture pack thread (the one that you linked in your post) asking that? You're more likely to find someone who likes Maxpack enough to want to add mod support there.

  9. Hey guys!

    I'm not completely sure this is where this goes but i couldnt find a better place.

    I am having difficulty using the Sphax texture packs. I have loaded them as per the directions and with the 64x version every dirt block has 2 tiny squares of fire in the top right corner and in the 32x version any running water that isnt level says "No Patch" all over it.

    Is there something i am doing wrong?

    What version of Technic or Tekkit are you running?


    If you're running Vanilla then you need to either install the Optifine mod or run MCPatcher HD Fix. (You need 1 of those 2 in order to use any high-res texture pack, meaning anything bigger than 16x16)


    TL;DR - Download the Base Pack HERE; Then download the patch HERE.

    I had fun watching the completely arbitrary DL count rise, but tama63 is also keeping an updated version going on his website and the BDCraft Forums. He's also supporting x128 versions as well as x64 (and maybe 32x in the future based on his website!).

    Since I was only sharing with the Technic forums (and only x64 support) I've decided that I might as well redirect all traffic towards him. :) It's a lot of work to put a pack like this together, so make sure to drop by and tell him thanks!


    In the thread is a link that redirects to his website for the actual download.


    Thanks again, and never stop crafting!


  11. @Andybish: There are several other threads about a seemingly similar issue and a work-around has been found, here's a link if you want to give it a shot.


    If that doesn't work, post your own bug report?

    @Crasherman43 (OP)

    You should update your version of Java, the current is 7u9. Also it looks like a similar issue to the one Andy and many other people are having since 1.4.4 was released. The launcher probably needs to be updated.

    The work-around I posted above will probably not work with Vanilla, unfortunately.


    If the Technic Launcher includes the option to launch Vanilla why would we not utilize it? I personally use it to launch Vanilla as well because I play Technic, Tekkit, and Vanilla. Even if the workaround is 'Don't use the launcher', it's still worth noting that it's broken which is what this forum is for.

  12. The main problem isn't 1.4.4, that can be remedied by simply editing your minecraft.yml file locally with the updated MD5's for 1.4.4. What the main problem is, is that the launcher tries to download a file called "null". I've been having the same problem trying to compile from the GitHub source. You cannot remove the "null" file download string either, it breaks the entire java app. I'm still trying to figure out how to get around it. I'll probably just check the commits on the GitHub site, figure out what changed with the DownloadUtils .java portion, and revert the change myself for the time being.

    If I'm able to fix the change, I'll send a link to the GitHub commit in which the change occured. That way, you can just go into Eclipse or (Insert preferred environment here) and edit the file so it will work properly.

    This guy sounds like he knows what he's talking about, ignore me and listen to him!

    I was just making wild conjectures based on my limited coding knowledge, reading the error report, and knowing that the first thing the launcher tries to do after downloading the MC files is patch it to the correct version. (Mine repeatedly says Update Failed after reaching 100% on the minecraft.jar DL)

  13. I don't think there's a 1.4.4 to 1.4.2 patch yet. The version it downloads is now 1.4.4, which needs to be patched back to 1.4.2 to run the latest dev build.

    EDIT: In addition, there is already a 1.4.4 to 1.2.5 patch, so I'd assume they're either working on a patch back to 1.4.2, or they're working on a new dev build for 1.4.4.

  14. When you lose from Creeper Cheap Shot, he will explode with a radius of OVER 9000 and the explosion will even break bedrock!

    Take that Chuck Norris

    You're sure fixated on that over 9000 thing, lol. 9999 is just a generic max number for RPGs. (Although when I was making that I *almost* put his health at 9,001 :D )

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