How old are you?: 9
What is your timezone?: (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)
How many hours a day can you spend on the server?: all day,sometimes cuz i goto the shop IRL
Do you have any earlier experience moderating any kind of community?: Yes,i moderated GreifCraft and i did well protecting our citizens
Why do you want to become a moderator at Superior Minecraft Tekkit?: i am on a journy to make servers big,beutiful,and famous,so i want to help out on servers that are kinda new or that have staff positions and have bad things going on the server like a famous greifer greifing the server like hell,or a spambot that doesnt go away
Are you responsible, how would you handle different situations such as if someone griefed, or spammed the chat?: i would talk to them,get the truth out,and if it is positive (good) on my lie detection skills,he would be tortured,if it turns negitave (bad) that means he didnt lie,he is free like sugar,but i check the greifed zone,look for ppl around that place,and repeat what i did to him