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Everything posted by SimonMattila

  1. Name - Simon Mattila IGN - SimonMattila Age - 14, Mature Minecraft experience - Started playing late 2009 (During Infdev) Tekkit experience - Some months, I consider myself good. Time playing MC per day - I'd say about 7 hours. Why do you want to join the server - Becuse I want to build different stuff, IE factories, villages, empires and such with my three friends =) --------------------------------------------------- Name - Simon Eklund IGN - SimonEklund Age - 14, Mature Minecraft experience - Started playing in the early beta/late alpha. Tekkit experience - Meybe a month? I'm still learning but I know more then the basics =) Time playing MC per day - Meybe 2 hours? (I'm Social xD) Why do you want to join the server - The same as above. --------------------------------------------------- Name - Peter-John Andreasson (Nickname: PJ) IGN - GodzMaul Age - 14, Very Mature Minecraft experience - Started playing mid alpha, around the time when Nether first were introduced. Tekkit experience - Still learning, I know the basics ect. Time playing MC per day - Around 2-3 hours? Why do you want to join the server - Same as above. xD --------------------------------------------------- Name - Tobias Sandberg IGN - Zupp123 Age - 14, Mature Minecraft experience - Started playing early betas. Tekkit experience - Still learning. Time playing MC per day - 4-5 hours? Why do you want to join the server - hehe, same as above and to learn more about tekkit =) P.S We don't grief, nor cause problems. We are friendly, and everything we wrote in this application is true. We don't lie. P.P.S Our TimeZone is GMT+01 (GMT+02 During Daylight Saving) and we are from Sweden. (The land of Minecraft xD) ---------------------------------------------------
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