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Everything posted by Hellchild96

  1. Building a massive floating airship. It will move using frame motors. I may need some help with the actual structure of the ship, I aint too good with architecture. Message me when Im online if you want to help make it.
  2. Thats a client error sniver. Try it a few times, reinstall tekkit or just wait a while. I get it every now and then.
  3. I think I need my inventory deleted. My tekkit crashes whenever I try to get on, and the internet peoples say thats what needs to be done. I have a RM pick and DM axe, along with my swiftwolfs in my invt that I would like replaced if it can be done. Can you help blackie?
  4. The server is likely whitlisted for the reset. Once everything is transferred and set up, it will be open again.
  5. I have to agree. I plan on making a huge railway system, but until we get the new world, I can't because it'll be wiped
  6. Whats up with rings? I can only use them in the mining world, where they are supposedly banned......
  7. I should hope that's how it works. All the people with lower ranks seem to think that it shouldn't work that way.......
  8. I could, but this might take a few days to be answered, plus, if is posted here, nobody needs to ask again.
  9. Any admins know how to get up past alchemist? I know it says to wait a few days, so I'm posting on here instead of a ticket.
  10. Will this new rank system mean everyone goes back to the start or do we just have more to achieve?
  11. I propose the addition of a "Genius" rank. You gotta build somthing truly amazing to get it, and it unlocks all the same stuff as Mod. It's above scientist and is only for the best tekkiters. It'd give another goal for those of us at the top.
  12. Reached scientist. Gunna expand into a larger complex next. Upgrade my solar panel production rate. Then I'll work on somthing else.
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