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About H0neyB4dgerz

  • Birthday 09/04/1980

H0neyB4dgerz's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. Please Help http://pastebin.com/vT4A8gma
  2. same problem... i have a tekkit 3.1.2 and the perms for my factions are all set up perfectly but the users can't do anything faction wise
  3. I have factions 1.7.5 installed and it works.. but only for ops. The Permissions aren't allowing others to do faction commands?!? I have the perms set up perfectly and its not working. Here is the perm list for the members: groups: Member: default: true permissions: - modifyworld.* - essentials.rules - essentials.help - essentials.pay - essentials.balance - essentials.tell - essentials.sell - essentials.back - essentials.back.ondeath - essentials.who - essentials.afk - essentials.list - essentials.msg - essentials.warp.list - essentials.warp - essentials.helpop - essentials.motd - essentials.spawn - essentials.home - essentials.tpa - essentials.tpahere - essentials.tpaccept - essentials.home - essentials.sethome - essentials.sethome - iConomy.payment - iConomy.holdings - iConomy.holdings.others - iConomy.sell - factions.join - factions.create - factions.disband - factions.leave - factions.help - factions.title - factions.relation - factions.who - factions.admin - factions.power - factions.claim - factions.unclaim - factions.description - factions.mod - factions.list - factions.home - factions.sethome - factions.unclaimall - factions.kick - factions.invite - factions.map - factions.show - factions.disband - factions.chat - factions.kit.fullplayer - lwc.protect - mcmmo.ability.* - mcmmo.skills.* - ChestShop.buy - ChestShop.sell prefix: '&6[&6M&6e&6m&6b&6e&6r]&f ' options: build: true
  4. I need help because i changed my mod to tekkit 3.1.3 and whenever i take a tekkit item out of creative it crashes and when i try to take an item out of tooManyITems it says "unknown item id:"id" Please someone help!
  5. you said you had to creat a batch file in rtemp folder, how do i create one?

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    1. H0neyB4dgerz


      you go into notepad and paste wut i put and and when you save as name it whater.bat

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