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Everything posted by DomIsAmazing27

  1. Swapus please remove this and post on evolutiontekkit.enjin.com, this isnt the place for unban appeals
  2. How many times. please edit/remove your post and post a proper appeal on evolutiontekkit.enjin.com.
  3. This isn't the place for this. Please edit/remove all your posts, then appeal on evolutiontekkit.enjin.com where it will receive a proper response.
  4. nevertheless, you still shouldn't destroy even if it looks abandoned. If you grief/break the rules again, then it will be a permanent ban.
  5. I really appreciate it...i have made a whole separate website for them to do this, so i can try to help them out...
  6. You didn't have warnings because we didnt know we were going to do it, and we had to do it quickly. It wasnt for very long, so its hardly a big deal...could have just gone and got some snacks or something like a normal person? And we have a proper enjin forum for things like this, so thanks for posting it in the wrong place bringing a load of new people online...
  7. The whole server will be rolled back some hours, were not exactly sure how many. Ranks will be broken, but you can just do /ar check to fix that. Some LWC things may lsost their protection so /cprivate everything to make sure :)
  8. Sanguine im looking into what happened with dtr...im sorry about all this. Hes not an IRL contact so dont be rude and jump to conculsions. If you want to contact me on this issue add dominic_martin123 on skype
  9. ' i really needed them ' No reason to grief someone elses. if i unban you, i dont want anything like this again or youre gone without any chance of coming back.
  10. I see theres alot of problems here. Ok first things first, if you post an unban appeal please include your IGN so i can actually unban you 1)Please post applications on the correct website: evolutiontekkit.enjin.com 2)Please don't fight with Dtr06 and dont say things like that, he is MUCH more intelligent than you will ever be.
  11. Its a shame we had to ban them, but they craft the banned items. If we could trust our players, then this would not be a problem but there's so many people out there that purposely try to cause misery, thus ruining the fun of others. Hate at them, not me.
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