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About Andi_Mac

  • Birthday 01/01/1900

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Grass (2/9)



  1. Ohhhhhhhhh! That makes a lot of sense. Thank you.
  2. Its in the console. When the server is loaded up, it immediately starts as soon as one person is in and playing. It shows a "repair active" message about 4 times a second till they then leave. As i said, it doesn't seem to do anything too bad, so we're fine with it, just annoying as i can't see the console properly as its being flooded with that. Thanks anyway.
  3. Well, that worked perfectly. Its back to its broken old self, just the way we like it. Now, do you know what "repair active" means? That was there before the conversion as well... But we don't know what it means or what it does... However, the rest of the server works perfectly fine now, so, thank you. Still keeping my modded minecrafts though... Just for the hell of it.
  4. I'm about to try this your way. But over the last week, I've been modding my vanilla minecraft, as well as a vanilla minecraft server. I now have a server and a default minecraft that work perfectly fine with my old tekkit world. Only problem is, some things are the wrong item ID, but thats fine. However, that requires my friends being able to mod their own minecraft. And they can't. So, i'm going to try it your way now. P.S.: I DID make a backup. For this exact reason. Because i had a feeling it wouldn't work. So i have a folder with JUST that worlds files in it. Thanks for the help though! :3
  5. I have a server in tekkit, that I've had since I'm trying to put it into a new server, but I forgot to remove all the farming stuff. Now, when I switch it on, it runs for a few seconds, then has a million error messages and stops. when i switch it back on, the entire world doesn't exist, and i immediately fall into the void. Is there a way to backdate my tekkit so i can remove all the farming things and other things that are causing this, or is there a faster way? Please help!
  6. It doesn't seem to do anything bad... Just a worrying thing to see on your server... I changed the world and kept the files, and it doesn't do it any more, so it must have something to do with the world.
  7. Yeah, i'm guessing that the "other" world has a bug in it stopping them from working, which is causing them to not work in the normal one. Just stick with a single world for now, or try making another new world and see if it experiences the same problems.
  8. Hmmmmmm... I suggest getting a new server and copying to worlds into it. Fresh settings might help. If that doesn't work out, I don't know what to suggest, as I haven't had any problems with teleport pipes. The one time they stopped working for me i was checking everything. Then i realised the combustion engines had blown up... But I don't know why they aren't working. Try the new server and if they don't work out, then maybe consider not using them. Unless someone else can help you out.
  9. The distance might be too large, and the place that the power is being transmitted from might not be loaded in the world. Try surrounding an iron ingot with Lapis to make a chunk loading block and see if that helps.
  10. Are you still able to pick up the items when they are dropped?
  11. My server that i'm running in tekkit has Repair Active coming up in the server log 11 times a second. Its not effecting anything in game, but i'm very worried about it. Does anyone know what this is and why its doing it?
  12. Yeah, it sounds like a stupid question, but I should be able to. I'm using the Evertide Amulet on my server and its not letting me walk on water. Its in my hotbar and everything, but its not working.
  13. Awwww...
  14. Is it included in this on the servers (and singleplayer for that matter) and how do i go about getting started on it?
  15. I have pipes leading to a chest for the wheat, yes. I've been watching it for a while, it harvests seeds, but nothing else. It doesn't have any wheat in the pipes at all, but feeds the seeds back into the farm through the diamond filter.
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