Hello! Welcome to my forum post!
I am hosting a 5 slot Hamachi Minetek 1.4.7 (aka yogpack extreme) Server for me and (hopefully) soon-to-be friends to play on! (emphasis on hopefully)
If you would like to join, please fill out this Application! (woo, applications)
IGN/In Game Name:
Minecraft Skill (1-10)
Any Questions:
Connection Strength(1-10)
If accepted, I will notify you of the Hamachi network ID & Password
Rules: No Greifing, no Stealing, no,well generally being a dick.
Uptime: Whenever I feel like hosting it I will notify you via Hamachi Chat.
If you do not know what hamachi is, It's basically a program that allows you to connect to me, (vis versa) and removes the need of port forwarding. (because nomatter how hard I try, I can't do it) It also serves as a communication program!
you can get hamachi HERE! --->https://secure.logmein.com/products/hamachi/download.aspx
I always download unmanaged, because I have no idea what Managed is, nor have I ever tried to download it
Where do I get Minetek 1.4.7/Yogpack Extreme?
First, Copy This url: --> http://www.technicpack.net/api/modpack/minetek-152
Second, click Add new pack.
Next, paste the url.
Finally, click add new modpack, and then Play!