i know absolutely nothing... i just want a turtle, maybe a meelee turtle to patroll the perimiter of my base. the sides are a 33-block long square. with a 132 block perimiter
i was playing it for a long time in classic, then i got 1.0 as an early cristmas present 2011 , exactly 366 days ago,on the 17th of december just after lunch... it was a beautiful day
i would like to know how to program a computercraft computer to display something on my monitor, and to make a meelee turtle to patrol the perimiter of my home. i have looked on the wiki, and have found nothing. plz halp
best ranged weapon: lure a "friend" into an area witrh a free cake sign. activate a forcefield around them, and a nuke [both with wireless remote and a toggle latch]. the cake is a lie...
can rp2 frames move forcefield??? if so, u have saved my life. i had it set up like a youtube video i saw, i have a remote that turns it off, but in doing so i activate a bunch of nukes. i only saw the issue of my stuff near it after i finished the field and got out... geez im dumb