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Posts posted by kyllingman2

  1. This server isn't that great, explore too far and randomn parts of your house will just go missing. I had to restart twice on this game due to random blocks being deleted, and server rollbacks.

    griefing isn't too much of a problem, but the server lags a lot if there are more than 30 people online. I don't recommend playing on this server unless you are ok with losing half of your work randomly.

    If you lost half your house like if a chunk just got regenerated there has been an error while the map was loaded, and there shouldn't be any lag depending on the players as we have enough resources for the server to use. There has only been one major rollback so far that was when the map got corrupted, but then we successfully got the old map back up within half an hour, but if you don't like the server, why don't you go find another one?

  2. Well you appear to have a corrupt chunk, depending on whats actually supposed to be in that chunk it could be the cause of your problems, certainly it won't be helping

    2012-08-25 18:13:37 [iNFO] Attempted to place a tile entity (net.minecraft.server.TileEntityFurnace@1b527543) at -66,71,139 (AIR) where there was no entity tile!

    Get MCedit and clean up that chunk then see what happens

    How do I find that specific chunk in MCEdit? Is there any way I can teleport to it?

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