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Posts posted by Johnathan_A_M

  1. snip

    it may be some of your plugins, some are spitting out errors (a few are okay here and there, but a lot are erroring. especially ones like:

    1. 2012-10-16 21:56:28 [WARNING] [tekkitrestrict] tr[sqlite] Error at SQL Query: query does not return ResultSet

    2012-10-16 21:56:28 [WARNING] [tekkitrestrict] tr[sqlite] Error at SQL Query: query does not return ResultSet

    something's also messing with the turtle...

    2012-10-16 21:56:44 [sEVERE] Invalid turtle FakePlayer mode: [Turtle]! Using NULL mode!

    i would remove all your plugins then check which one causes the errors by adding them back 1 at a time.

  2. imo emc values for everything ofc isnt the best, but for a lot of stuff that could use it, its quite good. sorry i didn't look much into config file but it seemed like mostly only IC2 stuff. am i wrong ? if not then could u maybe make some RP2/BC stuff recipes ? i really hate making those filters/redstone engines. Hope our server installs this thing =P

    but of course, uu-mater is impossible to balance correctly, much as emeralds in 1.3. It may look like mostly IC2 stuff, because that's where i started. it also has pieces from all the mods i believe. also: IC2 has the most annoying stuff to make, and that's why there's many more things from it with an EMC value

  3. It seems that the tools are quite lacking after i installed the changes. when you break a block with them, then it first disappears several seconds later, giving both me and my players quite a headache. there is no errors in the console, and the problem appeared after i installed this.

    also get this error when using the right click function


    after that, the server crash

    looking over your error log (thanks for that BTW, almost nobody does that anymore...) did you install the classes over EE, or did you completely replace the zip file? this is only a patch and needs the rest of EE to function. I ask because your server says it doesn't know how to do a search. also: if your server running bukkit forge 1.2.5? it's acting as if it doesn't know what a human is either, although that may just be an extention of the problem.

    As for the blocks disappearing: That's called lag. you never said what kind of ram you have on there. Also: 3.1.2 is the most recent version. if you're talking about CB revision 4, you shouldn't mess with the setup they have, it's pretty well optimized and has many bugs fixed that would happen if you installed things as normal. Also: you're running it from the batch file, correct? if you launch it from the .jar directly it gets default amounts of CPU priority and RAM usage, which is rather low.

  4. You actualy got decharge to work? For me it never did any kind of effect, or it doesnt work for you either?

    If it does, could you paste me your config to pm or here, would be glad to see it

    It simply has to do with regions that you own/don't own. If you own the region, you can charge your weapons as normal. if you step into a region that you are not EXPLICITLY owning, it discharges. for me: i simply used factions. In my faction's land i could use the tools as normal, but once i stepped into wilderness or safezone, all items discharged and i couldn't get them to charge back up. (was really annoying at first because i didnt know what was happening) i would think the same thing would happen with WG regions or something. all of my configs were completely stock

  5. Really pointless to add something like this, the entire purpose of tekkit is to make factories and other automatic equipment by combining mods with the material processing and the mods with the transport pipes together, EE is just really nice to get raw materials from (And that is kind of the point of it, also to have cool rings also), because you cant really build much without turning all that cobblestone into a few diamonds or iron, but to be able to condense ready made machines takes the entire purpose of the mods like buildcraft and redpower tubes.

    Edit: I would like the idea of being able to have addons to technic and tekkit for little things like this, some sort of api could exist for IC2, and other mod addons so you simply click it and it would download the addon, that way all players could be happy. But i like the satisfaction of having a big factory and seeing the materials fly around in tubes

    That's your opinion and you're welcome to have it. I quite like the machines as well, and in some cases there are no replacements. Also: making machines that merge seamlessly between mods is what i like to do.

    There is a massive modding API for some of the mods, the problem is: conflicts between server and client make it hard to make everything work properly.

    I have a question inside the topic, is it possible to change EMC values for some other stuff like lava cells and so ?

    yes, simply use the customEMC mod, and define a new EMC. customEMC is loaded last,so it overwrites all other values. unfortunately: setting it to 0 does not remove its EMC. Also: clients will still see the orig. EMC, but machines will use the server's EMC, it will just look a bit buggy on the client's end.

  6. Can you maybe somehow.. make button do some other action unlike the originaly designed one? LIke, work as a bucket of water that is endless, would require block interaction.

    Or in the worst case, just remove the effect from item so we dont have to ban it and it would still allow people to craft it, that would do I think

    endless bucket of water: easy, creative mode already does it. I was planning on placing a use ban on them, but allow them to be crafted in order to use their passive effects (immunity to lava, as a substitute for a lava bucket in crafting, etc...) if the little bugs cannot be fixed

    Thing is, the player can look up into the air and place water all in the sky - no blocks are even being right clicked against.

    hmmm, the plugin that i use to track players (activity logger) records even if the person right clicks on air, and couldn't you make it so if the orb doesn't collide with a block, it won't make lava?

    If you find this annoying, please tell me, i just want to be able to bounce ideas off of people to get everything working at its best.

  7. *Amazing builds*

    Sure, don't get me wrong, it's not that i hate creative mode, it's great for sketching ideas out, and building massive facilities, but i like seeing my house go from a hole in the ground to a castle, and knowing i made everything there by hand. It's just that much more impressive to build those creations in survival, rather than creative.

    Unfortunately, tekkit is a rather small community, so servers are fewer, and thus, the deviants (like creative) are VERY rare. then good luck finding the ones that are well-organized.

    Unfortunately, i choose not to indulge in this, and so probably won't be establishing any creative mode servers any time soon.

  8. Pretty sure I did patch the lens, and as for the amulets, they create blocks (which is hard/impossible to patch because the BlockPlaceEvent expects the player to be holding a stack of items and to have right clicked against a block face).

    Not sure about the tools discharging when you leave a protected area, never seen that behaviour before. Might be a funky plugin.

    I'm looking at the blockplaceevent API right now, and wouldn't it be possible to: lie to bukkit, say they had a lava block in their hand, and use the orb's hit detection to determine the block it was placed against?

    I'm certainly no expert at bukkit's API, but it seems to be asking the plugin all these things, instead of filling them in for you. please correct me if this is incorrect though, I really want to learn how bukkit handles its events (ive been modding vanilla MC, but i really want to move onto bukkit plugins) and if it would be possible to fix these tools to not be such excellent griefing tools. They may be only able to place tnt 4 blocks into protected regions, but it still blows up (and i don't want to have to disable tnt explosions in regions).

    also: it's probably just factions, seeing as that's the plugin creating the regions, I'll check into it. it's a nice accidental feature though

  9. The difference is the experience. There is an appeal to a certain amount of limitation, as well as a certain amount of tedium. OP is trying to strike what they perceive as the ideal balance of tedium and expedience.

    pretty much. there's no way to get away from mining (actually, many ways, but also mining with nothing but a pick [that can destroy the world...] is still exhilarating, still having to fight for your resources.) And you learn the recipe for the item, then: have fun making it en masse. project tables are good, yes. but having a wall dedicated to common recipes got annoying (and i lost so many resources to not finding the table they're in)

    Doesn't the same logic apply to gathering materials? How is clicking on a wall with a pick any less tedious than clicking on boxes in a crafting table GUI?

    ...you build awesome stuff with the items?

    part 1: true, but i refer to my previous statement. it's a core gameplay element. true, i could never leave my house again, and have fun that way, but mining is still kinda fun, fighting off the monsters like they're trying to stop the king. It's fun to me, and you have to have a bit of imagination to keep the game fresh.

    Part 2: okay, now you have a castle with everything you could desire. what do you do next? go mining? why? you can click a button and have an infinite stack. Make more stuff? okay, how long is that going to last you before you get sick and tired of building giant structures or houses filled with auto-processing machines? There's a balance that i like where i can be wealthy enough to have anything, but still feel a pull, knowing i have finite resources, and eventually, i'll be poor again. and it's fun seeing how fast i can run down a normal double chest of klein star omegas (quite fast when making a RM furnace castle) then working hard to earn all that power back.

    My point is: unless you're using flowers and such to make redmatter, there's still resource gathering to be done, and there's that feeling that you are actually making yourself poorer, you just have access to any materials you need, so long as you can target them (alch. tome is great, but generally, you need to get right on the EMC to have a chance of finding the item. but especially in tekkit: there are like 50 things with EMC 1, so you have to still have one lying around to target, so you can't just store it all into red matter

  10. snipped

    the 3 hr time was for making it normally. and: the point is: the crafting table MKIII was removed, and i didn't want to deal with those tedious recipes, so i made them have EMC values, so instead of transmuting all the little parts i could just transmute everything all together at once. also: creative is TOO easy, there's no buildup, no "i did this" feeling, no "i collected the stuff to make this one thing that cost me thousands of diamonds" revealation, just "i want this item" boom, okay, what now. i find that creative ruins the feeling of starting in poverty with one solar panel, then building up until you have a roof of them, then you upgrade, picking up speed, getting more and more power until you are unstoppable. that is fun for me. although, yes, i could do that in about a day if i so desired, but i choose to take it slow, and try a dabble of everything so i can truly see the mod. but i can't spend my time in BC all the time because of those long, tedious recipes. even when i have the stuff to make diamond gears, i dread making them because they take so long. that's when i use EMC values. i could have just transmuted the raw materials and done all the crafting, but why? when i can cut out the middleman so to speak.

  11. Just so you know, the compile/decompile process does not preserve the "style" - what you see is completely reproduced from Java's virtual machine code. I decompiled the code, added the fix, and recompiled - nothing else was changed.

    Also, I believe furnaces and RS ore use metadata and not seperate block IDs (though I could be wrong).

    then why, when using the same decompiler on the original and the patch class files, were they differently stylized? may have just been the decompiler or compiler you used i suppose. Thanks for the patch anyways, it's very helpful. and is the thing where tools discharge when you leave your claim intentional, a side effect, or probably a plugin conflict on my end? and while i have you: did you choose to not patch the amulets and the lens because tracking the orb creator would have been a major pain?

  12. I've been using this list as a basis for my own list for an offline Technic install (thanks for the starting point!), and I've only just noticed today that the EMC value for your mixed metal ingots / advanced alloy seems way off. My own calculations made it 1151, but you have yours listed as 8845, which probably throws out some other items in turn that require them. Any reason for this, a tekkit difference, or just a miscalculation?

    Thanks again for your hard work!

    wow, I'm sorry, thanks for catching this, i guess i just messed up with a value somewhere. your value is more correct, thank you for pointing out this flaw, tell me if you find more. (fine copper/iron wire values were WAY too high, i thought the drawplate was consumed, so everything that used those were WAY too high. potions also were calculated as if you only brewed one at a time. thanks for your help, i never would have noticed that XD now i get to go back and fix everything that used those as well 0.0| thanks again!

    LATAH: wow, i really wish i could use the mod add-emc style where you add up the item's values, so you change one and everything changes... it's AMAZING how many items use advanced alloy, then some of those things go into FURTHER items, and so on and so forth, this is really a pain.

    Um, or just make a creative server already...

    If you're gonna make all processed items and machines condensable, then you are already playing full creative mode. So why make yourself jump through the dumb hoops of setting up collectors and condensers and sifting through transmutation GUIs, when you can just let all your players get stuff with a click through NEI? Would be much more convenient, and would let your players focus their time on actual creative building, which is obviously what you want.

    a lot of people have that view, i do not. for one: you have to make at least 1 of everything manually, and i mostly use it for massive recipes that take 3 hours to get done making one (like HV solar arrays). But the point is: this is what we want, so let us set up our install, and you can keep your vanilla, nobody is forcing you to use these values

  13. I was digging around the code because i really wanted to fix the last few items up, and wanted to check how you did it, and I must say, Some of these tools took a bit of modification to work, so thanks for that (why on earth would you make a tool that registers itself as the world instead of the item's owner?!). but also, a bit of a complaint: Why did you change the style of the files? the originals took up a lot more lines, yes. but it made for clearer organization, and made sure certain functions were for sure inside others. Also: when tearing through the files, determining exactly what you had to change, it makes the differences show up like crazy, even though most of them are style changes. What I'm trying to say is: don't fix what isn't broken. The tools' block breaking was broken, the style was not.

    In the end: thanks for the patch, it's really helpful, could you possibly finish up the last 4 items? that would be really helpful (if you wont: how would i go about it, would i have to break the blocks then place them all again, or is there some easy way of block replacement? (i assume there has to be, for furnaces and RS Ore))

    update: taking a look into how the amulets work: is it even possible to link them back to a player? it seems to make the essence ball, then do nothing else, and the essence ball is made by the world (i think) so if that one is possible, it's a lot harder than the other tools

  14. I tried worldedit on my non craftbukkit server. It's not working.

    what do you mean non-CB? do you mean stock tekkit server files or what?

    also: it works fine for me, the only problem is it doesn't know how to handle RP's blocks most of the time, so they end up getting removed when you try to paste them somewhere else.

  15. Yes, We are literally inside the same room. I'll try the ping thing in a sec, Johnathen, we used to be able just to use the ip and connect, but now i don't know, i'll also check my firewall.


    I tried doing the cmd ping, but i really didn't understand the jibberish it was saying, it was saying somthing about <IPV4 Only>

    if you don't understand it, it may be worthwhile to copy it here for us to see. generally: there's a lot of worthless junk in the output. the IPV4 only probably just means your computer doesn't support anything above v4, this should be fine.

    Why do i find my port?

    if you mean how do you find your port, it should be in the server configuration file. The default is 25565. If you truely mean why: it's to tell the connecting person where to talk to the computer at. for instance: source engine games like to use 25525, and lower-level things like to use port 8 or something. it just makes sure you don't connect to the wrong program/computer

  16. A couple clarifications, but no real solution i believe: "localhost" is a literal local, it must be running on the same machine. Even inside your own network, you have to port forward, especially if he is trying to use your global address. Also: is your brother using the "ip:port" format or just "ip", try the opposite and see if that helps.

  17. thanks for the reply

    yes is see that u wouldn't have to recode ic2 after i posted it but it wouldn't let me edit it and i did read the entire post. when i first wrote the message i did it on my iPod and none of the separate boxes came up. there is an even eaiser solution just make a separate a mod add-on altogether.


    ps. i dont like ur smartness

    I am sorry for being rude before, I simply absolutely loath people who don't take the time to read through an entire thread (if it's a short one) before posting replies. It pisses me off more when people post INCORRECT answers to already answered questions. furthermore: EE3 (a major rewrite of the mod, it should be the 1.3 update) should have the functionality of calculating EMC values from any mod by looking at the recipes, so the customEMC mod will become obsolete at that point.

    I don't like your lack of capitalization, punctuation, and grammar. It would allow for a better understanding of what you are trying to communicate.

    Why are you suggesting that a "separate mod add-on" be created, when one already exists? Or are you actually saying that you are too lazy/"important" to do the calculations of what the items should be worth when it comes to EMC values?

    I agree that correct grammar would be nice, but it is the internet, you may as well with they would come to your house and give you chocolate cake for everything they've ever mis-spelled, because you probably won't get that either. I also believe you are trying to stretch what has been said a bit far. you are drawing conclusions that are weak at best.

  18. Most bukkit plugins will work with tekkit. the main thing you have to keep in mind is that every mod has a fake player that most anti-cheats will say is hacking (computercraft turtles have instantbreak, quarries use reach hacks, etc...) the easiest workaround to this is get a plugin that lets you decide exactly what hacks can be used (speed and high jump for instance for quantum armor) and let the machines "cheat" as much as they want by opping them (for instance, to OP buildcraft quarries you /op [buildcraft]). Other plugins may slightly tweak the behavior of tekkit, such as minebackup, one of the most noticeable things for this plugin being chunk loaders not working. it also changes a couple things in chunk loading (it seems to override viewdistance server settings and modify the timing of some machines)

  19. u would have to recode ee and ic2

    Why hello there kzxo! I see that you seem to have seen this thread, and only read the first post before writing your incorrect answer. Since ic2 has no emc values in it at all (the emc values it does have come from a calculation in ee with the forge ore dictionary.) you don't have to recode ic. Next: sure, you could do it by flat out modifying ee, but that could cause compatability issues. Really all you need is a modloader mod that defines more emc values to be injected into the table, and the customemc mod lets end users do that without getting down into the java. This problem was already solved before you got here, and it was solved correctly. For future reference, I believe it would be well for you to read the whole thread (or at least the first/last 3 posts) before posting a reply. Thank you

  20. I have 1 more question/favor can i do this to ssp? singleplayer

    No problem, I like being helpful, as i had this problem before, and nobody would help me. This was going to be my next point: if you want it properly predicted (so it doesn't look all glitchy/so the tooltip telling you the EMC works) you can install the mod into your singleplayer and use the same CFG as the server does. Same basic setup, but you use the client mod from the EE2 thread here: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1106178-125-equivalent-exchange-2-v1467/

    EAQ (Excessively Asked Questions

    How can I add my own EMC values for my other mod items? Is there a config file or something I need to update?

    We don't have something like this in right now, but it is something I'm working on in my larger rewrite of the mod. In the meantime pwnedgod has updated his CustomEMC addon for EE2. You can find it here;Client.


    (that server link is only for VANILLA servers. as tekkit runs bukkit, you need to use the port)

    direct link: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/74796828/Minecraft Uploads/CustomEMC/EECustomEMCv2_Client.zip

    simply put that in your minecraft's mod folder, then go into the config folder and put the customEMC.cfg (EDIT: side note: this is a link to my server's config, so every time I change mine, the file changes. I am constantly adding new items, so it may be a good idea to check the file every so often. for instance: I am currently adding potions' emc values)

    if you need anymore help, just ask. If you have any questions/comments on my customEMC.cfg, just ask. I have many items already in there, most of them were requested by my server members or I felt they needed one. there are a couple of small and a couple of extreme exploits I left in, because i trust the people in my server. If you don't: remove cobble/stone pipes (you get 8 emc out of 3) and remove the ores (you could constantly macerate, smelt, turn into ore, repeat for infinite ores) except for nether gold and iron, because those don't work in MP

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