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Everything posted by PK_Noob

  1. Am I the only person on here who doesn't make fake accounts just to bump their server listing?
  2. We are NOT a Pay To Win/Pay To Play server. We do NOT offer donor perks. We only ban items that can be used for grief. The creators of this server HATE the fact that most servers have stupid "donor perks". Let's be honest, those "perks" are just pay to play and pay to win, and that sucks! You should NEVER have to PAY to unlock ACCESS to Turtles or Quarries. With that rant out of the way, we hope you choose to play on our friendly and casual Tekkit Legends server! IP: http://www.gamesbykyle.com/minecraft
  3. We will be coming back online within the next 24 hours!
  4. I removed the stone.
  5. You were banned for randomly killing PK_Noob (me). You have been unbanned.
  6. If anyone is wondering why the server is offline today it is due to a player hooking up some pipes in a way that is crashing the server when their chunk loads. I am currently deleting the blocks and the server should be online within a few hours.
  7. IP: Like the server? Maybe donate? CLICK ME
  8. You were all added, enjoy!
  9. For people who are worried about admin abuse you don't have anything to worry about. My team has already been raided once and I didn't abuse my powers by finding out who did it, I also didn't re-spawn any of my friends items. Be Warned! You can get raided on this server and when you do, do not cry and ask for your items to be returned. Suck it up and move on.
  10. Rules 1. No Hacking 2. No Red Matter Missiles or Anti-Gravitational Missiles or Hypersonic Missiles 3. Survive At All Cost 4. No Griefing (see below) 5. Don't be a Dick! Raiding is allowed and property/base damage due to missiles is allowed! Just don't troll people and fill their base full of lava or anything. IP: voltzwars.verygames.net Server Stats 64GB RAM 12 Slots 24/7 Uptime
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