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Posts posted by Milk

  1. Why does this quote keep showing up in my reply box and how do I remove it

    I hadn't noticed the price drop on 380s. Thanks for the heads up.

    It does lack an OS. I hope Mataroyale can reuse the key from the old PC, else there would be some downgrades in order.

    Speaking of downgrades, at this budget I believe an SSD usually costs too much money that could be going to more important components. It depends on the situation but I would reserve them for $700+ builds. 

    Edit: Whatthehell

  2. http://pcpartpicker.com/ is hands down the best site for designing your build.

    http://www.anandtech.com/bench/ Anandtech's benchmarks, while incomplete, are great to compare whichever GPUs/CPUs you'd like (that they've benched).

    http://pcpartpicker.com/p/Nzj6wP Here is a FO4 build I made for someone else, same $500 budget.

    You could change the video card to this reference R9 290, but the cooler has its spectularly terrible reputation for a good reason. It's hot, noisy and possibly ugly. The card is a good amount stronger than the 280x though. You could also remove the cooler and put a better one on, which is not too difficult from what I've heard.

    A couple other sites to check out are:

    https://www.reddit.com/r/buildapcsales A bunch of people posting cool sales. Check this out before you make a purchase.

    http://gpushack.com/ A recent startup from a redditor. He resells refurbished GPUs. I have not dealt with him but I've seen nothing but praise for his work. Don't take my word for it though.

    Finally, https://www.reddit.com/r/buildapc is a nice place to post a build you're considering to have it looked over.

  3. I just got pulverized by NC planes. That had shotguns. What's next for the NC? A shotgun that shoots sniper rifles?

    Likely shells that explode into pellet rain. Fired from a shotgun, of course. Handheld.

  4. In a few years, it's likely a mid range PC will be as powerful as the machine you're considering. And of course, it will be a much lower price.

    For $2300, you can get a good gaming computer right now that will run every game you need it to reasonably, and then get another one a few years down the line.

    To answer your question, yes, that monster will run minecraft.

    (Take this advice with a pinch of salt, as it's probable that I have no idea what I'm talking about)

  5. Working on swapping my video card out right now (upgrading to a 3 year old radeon from a 4 year old geforce, really moving up in the world!), but when I'm done I'm going to add the fuel balancer and a pair of ducted electrical fan engines I found today. Once I'm sure they work nice I'll repackage, upload, and send you a link.

    You're adding a fuel balancer to your computer?

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