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Everything posted by Assault_Tiger
I've confirmed through ajm1102 that he did cause the crash but did so unintentionally (Nathan338 had nothing to do with the crash). However, they both refuses to comment on the chest exploit they used to get into the chests. Oh and the fact that they were removed from the faction but could get into chests without claiming the land should be evidence enough
Admin Application Name/IGN: Assault_Tiger Skype Name: Iwantmyfile already has me added on it Age: 16 How long have you been on the server: going about over a year Server reputation: i try to be a nice, honest person, using the odd joke every now and then ****Further Testing**** A mod is being abusive with powers, you would: Warn him stop if this is 1st ofence while undoing any damage he/she may have caused, if its a 2nd ofence, i will fix any he/she may have caused while temporary de-mod he/she and report it to file or coruption for them to pass judjment A player is excessively cussing, and spamming you would: For the 1st ofence i would warn them to stop, on the 2nd i shall mute them, length of mute shall depend on the nature of cussing or spaming. upon the 3rd ofence i shall temporary ban them while asking another admin, hopefully file or coruption onwhat further action should be taken A player threatens to DDoS another player, how do you react: Ban them and report it to file or coruption strait away without delay, when server security is concerned, you can never be to care full Player(s) are using racial slurs, how do you respond: For the 1st ofence i would warn them to stop, on the 2nd i shall mute them, length of mute shall depend on how ofensive the racist coment is. upon the 3rd ofence i shall temporary ban them while asking another admin, hopefully file or coruption onwhat further action should be taken Your best friend decides to use a modded/hacked client, you will do what: warn him if he is caught he can be severly punished, if he/she ignores my warning and joins the server with hacked/modded client installed i will temp ban him/her untill they remove the hacked modded client. I will aply this to any1 on server cought using a hacked/modded client. ****Aditional Infomation**** (I added this just incase it is needed, if it isnt ignore it) Timezone: GMT (united Kindom/England) Time you can be on server: Weekdays: From 7am till 10am (10 am till 4 pm im st colege) 4pm till 7pm Weekends: All day Server Admin expirence(using this name for lack of being ablr to think of a better name): I have moderated 4 servers, while been admin on 7 servers (4 was freinds servers). I can get 4 of those server owners to verify p.s. please exuse any bad spelling as i am bad at spelling, im at college for computing, not spelling after all
IGN: Assault_Tiger Why do you want to be a moderator?: I wish to become a moderator on the server because i wish to help and be part of this ever-growing Tekkit server. I have several ideas for server atractions, such as Spleef, mob areana (which i can make without the mod and with vanila only items) and PvP areana, aswell as having the staisfaction of punishing rulebreaker's, especialy those who grief spawn. How would you moderate the server?: I would be fair to all and help those who are new to tekkit the best i can in the times that i have available to moderat the server (which is alot), aswell as and just as important, punishing rule breakers. If someone has been griefed, i would help them get back on track, so they dont rage quit and never retern What is your experience as a moderator?: i have moderated several servers and co-owned 2, if you wish to verify this, i can suply the owners of some of the servers skype names for you to question them about my expireince as a staff member on tekkit servers. What Timezone are you in?: GMT, i can be online both before and after college
IGN: Assault_Tiger Why do you want to be a moderator?: I wish to become a moderator on the server becouse my potential would be wasted if i was not, I have several ideas for server atractions, such as Spleef, mob areana (which i can make without the mod and with vanila only items) and PvP areana, aswell as having the staisfaction of punishing rulebreaker's, especialy those who grief spawn. How would you moderate the server?: I would be fair to all and help those who are new to tekkit the best i can in the times i am awake (11am/12pm to midnight), aswell as and just as important, punishing rule breakers. I would also tell jokes to lighten the mood in times of arguments and when people are griefed (so they dont quit and dellete the server). What is your experience as a moderator?: i have moderated several servers and co-owned 1, all of which but 1 server i was moderator on, have shut down due to mostly un known reasons, the other server i left as owner abonded the server, and all admins became corupt and broke what the server stood for What Timezone are you in?: GMT (0) i am usally awake 11am/12pm till round midnight, and i will be on server a minimal of 2 hours a day to maximum of going on server straight as i woke up untill im to tired to play (usualy a friday or saterday)