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Everything posted by zaper270

  1. I was wondering if anybody knows how to add EMC values to items so i could mass produce engines, solar panels etc. Some people says its not possible but it is as the creator of iron chests did it to add emc values for his chest. The two main items i want to add an emc for are Industrial craft Solar panels and Buildcraft engines.
  2. Ah thanks a lot Jeff. I finally got the system working properly :)
  3. i don't think the function is exactly right but i will probably be along those lines. And yes its a real pain having computercraft.info down
  4. Ill see how that works. Thanks for the reply Edit: gah still turns all the others off and only activates the one i turned on/off last. Probably has to do with the while true do command
  5. I have set up a system that allows me to activate or dis-activate any of my machines in my house on tekkit. The problem is though is that when i activate one it just turns off all the others. Can someone figure out whats wrong and show me what i need to do? while true do term.clear() term.setCursorPos(1,1) write(" Input command here: ") local input = read() if input == "sorter_on" then rs.setBundledOutput("bottom" , colors.white) print("Item sorter turned on") sleep(2) term.clear() term.setCursorPos(1,1) end if input == "sorter_off" then rs.setBundledOutput("bottom" , colors.white) print("Item sorter turned off") sleep(2) term.clear() term.setCursorPos(1,1) end if input == "block_on" then rs.setBundledOutput("bottom" , colors.red) print("Block condenser turned on") sleep(2) term.clear() term.setCursorPos(1,1) end if input == "block_off" then rs.setBundledOutput("bottom" , colors.red) print("Block condenser turned off") sleep(2) term.clear() term.setCursorPos(1,1) end if input == "music_on" then rs.setBundledOutput("bottom", rs.getBundledOutput("bottom") + colors.blue) end if input == "commands" then print("sortert_on") print("sorter_off") print("block_on") print("block_off") print("commands") sleep(4) term.clear() term.setCursorPos(1,1) end end
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