London, GMT
How long have you been playing tekkit:
Since before the launcher
How often will you be on the server:
Every day if possible, depends on personal issues :S
Would you like to join the teamspeak(optional):
Certainly, i owned my own TeamSpeak server until 1 week ago
http://whitelist.mcf.li link:
Please look below before clicking...
Why you received the bans (If Applicable):
I have 3 bans on MCBans, 2 of which were in pure spite of me as a person, as the admin didn't like me.
1 of them is more prominent (cunt <3 Jordan).
The 2nd ban is for "Racism". I am NOT a racist person at all, i feel bad that they have to accuse me of it.
The 3rd if for Flying on the Yogscast server. Sort of annoying as it was on a non-build server.