Minecraft IGN: Isaacmo
Nickname: Isaac
Tekkit experience: Quite a lot, ive played with it alot.
Are you over 14? : yes well over
Do you have skype? : Of course
How much time can you dedicate to this server? (Timezone would be nice, as well as how much time you can spend on weekdays vs. weekends): Depends ill probably put forth more time if im accepted as something.
What position are you applying for? : Ill apply for anything i guess, whatevers most convinient for you, hopefully builder.
What are you good at? (Make this as detailed as possible): Everything you need done.
Maturity Scale (Out of 10): 10
Anything else you want to tell us? (if you leave this blank and/or brief, you will most likely not get in):Who is us?