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Everything posted by poxun

  1. I was having this problem. It turned out it was a recent update to my cable modem's firmware by my ISP (Virgin Media in the UK). In 'router mode' it was somehow corrupting some Minecraft packets. I suspect it is a bug/issue with the adult filter stuff they added with the update even though it is actually turned off. Or maybe they made other changes... their help desk is outsourced overseas is not very helpful. This would only happen sometimes on connection and if I was able to stay connected for the the first 30 seconds or so I would then be able to stay connected for a long time. If nothing much was happening at login (no items in pipes/machines running etc) the connection was more likely to be stable. I switched it to 'modem mode' and used an old router I had from before and the errors went away. Edit: Meant to add... So it may be a networking issue near the server causing some to have issues and others not or if all the users that are having problems are with the same ISP it could be them.
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