for anyone coming to all these years-old threads looking to fix this problem, what helped me is updating whatever version of java i'm using WITHOUT uninstalling the previous version that technic was recognizing, opening the technic launcher, navigating to launcher options and changing which version of java to use. from here i was able to change my ram from 1gb to 4gb perfectly fine.
i have never had java 32bit installed. for whatever reason the technic launcher ran just fine with my 8.231 version of java 64bit, but upgrading to 8.381 made it unable to run. many people in other threads here and on reddit said to uninstall the previous version and keep the latest version, but the only thing that worked for me was having both versions and just switching which version to use within the technic launcher.
this thread may also be of use to some people experiencing the same problems. i did everything this guy did, including changing the directories to my own laptop, but didn't seem to help. could help some others, though.