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About overlorez

  • Birthday 09/17/1990

overlorez's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. How old are you? = 13 years. What is your timezone? = GMT+1 How many hours a day can you spend on the server? 3-8 hours (depending on school) Do you have any earlier experience moderating any kind of community? = i have actually been a moderator before but that servers now a dead man's land Why do you want to become a moderator at Superior Minecraft Tekkit? = because i want to help people. Are you responsible = yes how would you handle different situations such as if someone griefed, or spammed the chat? = if a person got griefed i would ask for evidence maybe recover some items if possible and ban or kick depending on severity. As for spammers first a warning then a kick if they come back and spam again ban.
  2. Major grief on spawn destruciton catalyst AGAIN!!! please reroll this ASAP holes everywhere VERY HARD to get out of spawn !: link
  3. i found a griefed house i think it was a destruction catalyst : link
  4. i found drytobb sealing stuff from streaky_haddocks house and took some pictures to report him : link
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