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Everything posted by Machiovic

  1. Name: For years I have been known as Aoren. For all intents and purposes, it is my legal name by this point. IGN: Machiovic Age: 17 Minecraft Experience: Only about three months now Tekkit Experience: New to Tekkit, but have been using the Technic pack for the last two months Time playing Minecraft per day: It depends on the time of year, ranging from just a few hours per week to multiple hours per day. Why do you want to join the server: I grew weary of Technic SSP and decided to try Tekkit a while back. I'm currently searching for a Tekkit server to join where hopefully the other members aren't well... I suppose you very well know what kind of people I speak of.
  2. Age: 17 IGN: Machiovic Experience: I lack any experience with Tekkit, however I have been using Technic for some months, so I am familiar with the basics of the modpack, even if they are different. Did you read the rules: Why yes, yes I did. mcf.li
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