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About OmegaForte

  • Birthday 10/14/1984

OmegaForte's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. Alright. We're migrating to the new host. Expected downtime of four-six hours. Keeping everything. EDIT://Ran into a rather major snag on my end. Having to work around it. Added another 6 hours.
  2. Right now I'm trying to fix a minor issue; and when it's dealt with, the server will go hot once again. For the final dry run, and cron testing.
  3. You were banned for being a foaming moron, and general asshattery. You appealed it and it was not taken into consideration--It was immediately thrown out; and I didn't have anything to do with it. Maybe on the next server you join, you won't act like a rowdy little kid, doing whatever you want without fear of consequence. You get what you give.
  4. Name: OmegaForte Age: 27. Country: United states of embarrasment. Why: Rules aren't meant to be broken. Little punk kids go around spamming chat with profanity and trash talking the mods breeds hate. I aim to solve hate. Previous Experience: Tribal taoist raised, I am indifferent to personal situation. I used to run a box on 12 cores. Ran several. Okay to fair SQL, Minor to fair LUA. Personal Note; You got kids in here talking like they're paying to be on the server. No one's shutting them up, no one's telling them to relax and stop spamming profanity. If it's against the rules, get on it. I plan to play here solely, even with the copious amounts of lag. Out.
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