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Everything posted by fallen12899

  1. i am with a small youtube recording group that has need for some more people we are looking for 3-4 people our active time is usually about 6 pm UTC Dublin ect but subject to change on occasion -Name: (what should we call you) -Activity: (how often you play) -Experience: (both game and recording is helpful to us) -can you recored: -do you have team speak -age: -were are you from: WARNING OUR RECORDINGS ARE NOT SUITABLE FOR MINORS by that definition i mean anyone under lowest age of 16 and that any one who watches our recordings accepts that it may be considered offensive to some people links for examples are below http://www.youtube.com/user/Fallen12899 http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCByrMlE9E4G1x9SSE3ttQ-Q
  2. hi iv had that exact same problem if cut the original world file and paste it in a different file some were leaving just the one you want, as well as what you have done already it should be fine just make sure you cut not copy
  3. this was open a few weeks ago buh one of the players may have gone awol so i just need one other play that would like to join this lp send me a message with the following if interested youtube: what can u bring to the lp: can stick to task and mature-ish: skype: activity: why you wanna join: p.s this is in European time zone pleas add time zone to that list
  4. cool if u would like to discuss this i can b on tekkit and skpe now although u may get sum background nose from my son lol
  5. i can host as long as i can setup so it dont interfere with my own private server however with recording and skype it may push my system's limits i little higher than im comfortable with
  6. soz forgot to add skype name its fallenangel11. the fulstop is part of it
  7. hey ill help to if you like im 22 have a youtube channel buh no vids with my mic i can record in same quality as displayed im on night after 8pm utc fallen as nick name and for fun on top of all that i have an expansive knowledge of tekkit covering almost the whole lot if u want mic test can test on skype if u like
  8. dont need to i was making the report and i discovered that java wasn't accelerating the pixels so poked around and my graphics driver was incompatible with the new java
  9. kk wasn't sure if i was a bug or just a program i haven't installed
  10. iv recently changed my OS thus this question iv installed tekkit fine buh every time i try to load it i get a system message saying java platform SE binary has stopped working iv tried every thing i can think of anyone got anything i may have missed
  11. dont i know it iv never seen software issues in that number for no reason i only switched coz mine kept doing sumin (god knows wat) and only way to fix it was to remove it and re install
  12. no need to worry iv fixed it turns out id put the wrong ipv4 address in
  13. so far iv followed wat the vids that are on you tube and i can get my laptop to run and log into the server using port forwarding buh the desktop wont connect at all. this is the properties i have that work for the laptop only allow-nether=true level-name=world enable-query=false allow-flight=false server-port=25565 level-type=DEFAULT enable-rcon=false level-seed= server-ip= max-build-height=250 spawn-npcs=true white-list=false spawn-animals=true online-mode=true pvp=true difficulty=1 gamemode=0 max-players=20 spawn-monsters=true generate-structures=true view-distance=10 motd=A Minecraft Server ps. im switching from hamachi coz it kept having problems so id rather fix this
  14. Have you tried temporally disabling your anti virus
  15. right first soz bout taking so long to reply i spent most of yesterday without internet coz my hub desided it didnt wanna work buh anyway i see wat ur sayin the setup i use is a bit wired buh seam to work. as u said u got the laptop and desktop on the hamachi linked now this is were mine gets odd friend: server properties ip.( ) However my friend is link to my laptops hamachi and uses the same as below desktop: when adding server in tekkit in the server address i put the laptop hamachi ip this seam to work for us even taking the fact that he plays at home and not in my internal network there is also me and a house mate that play using the internal network all at the same time how ever there is a possibility this may not work for u coz i have a large internal network that connects 5 other device's (not inc my desktop) all using my desktop as the center point so there is a chance that my friend is connecting to the pre non-tekkit network and then my desktop is doing the rest since i can connect my laptop to that network outside of it range as long as i have internet unfortunately i build and fix computers for a living not setup networks so mines a bit of a boge job learning as i go setup witch probly means iv done it all wrong and some how made something work that shouldnt buh its worth a try sorry i cant be anymore help like i said i have a very wired network set up
  16. i use the same setup on mine if u can give me a littel more detail i can find the problem for you buh from wat u put so far it sounds like u may have the ip wrong
  17. thanx for the help
  18. Iv been running a privet server on an internal network for me and a house mate for a while now but one of my friends wants to join in but he would be doing it from a external pc thus i would like sum help on how to go about this having never done it before. I only ask despite other such threads coz my router and modem are the same unit if you have heard of them its a super hub. The server config is set to default setup Internal network runs on hamachi
  19. not to worry i seam to have managed to temporally manually override it by editing the properties file
  20. nope runing same launcher i use a home group to transfer files to cut down on download time since the pc has a hell of alot more power the only differance aside from performance is the laptop is a 64 bit os
  21. got a problem thats not serious but annoying i have Tekkit set up on my laptop and my pc when i reset the ram allocations on them i noticed that the laptop will allocate upto 16GB of ram although it dont have that much but the pc will only allow 1536MB yet it has 14GB can anyone make sense of this better still correct this so i can allow more for the pc
  22. thanx for that. that seams to have done the trick it seams that the server was a bit unstable on the 32bit machine as well but that was easy to fix
  23. I downloaded the Tekkit server 3.1.2 and installed but when i logged on i found that i could not break any blocks iv looked into every part of the server program and its all set a default. please help
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