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  1. Not a problem. I'll see if I can think of any other solutions in the meantime.
  2. Welp, I'm stumped then. It should be working.
  3. Try using the "technic-launcher.jar" file in your ".techniclauncher" folder again. Not the latest one. I'm not sure why it's not working.
  4. Excellent. Hopefully it does; otherwise, I'll be stumped.
  5. Alright, good. The only thing I can say for now is try reinstalling Java completely and running "technic-launcher-latest.jar" as an administrator. Also, try relocating the .jar file in question to the ".techniclauncher" folder in your "Roaming" folder if it's not already there.
  6. Does that include going to the control panel and opening up "Programs and Features", looking in the "J"s and seeing if Java has (64-bit) written next to it?
  7. Before we continue any further, are you absolutely sure you're running 64-bit Java?
  8. Is it not doing anything else? Nothing else popping up?
  9. Let's hope. Now run your now executable .jar file, and hopefully it'll work.
  10. Then there's your problem, hoss. Exit out of the technic-launcher-latest folder. Right click on the file and hover over "Open with", then choose "Select default program..." Now we have to find the Java SE Binary file. This is easy. Go to "C:/Program Files(x86)/Java/ [your java 6 or 7 folder here] /bin" and find the "Java" file. Just the "Java" file. Double-click it.
  11. From what it sounds like, you're opening the downloaded "Linux/Jar file" from the website as a folder, not as an executable .jar file. Am I correct in thinking that?
  12. I think I may know the problem, then. Have you set your .jar files to open with Java?
  13. Alright, now launch the file as an administrator, if you would please.
  14. No, if you deleted the ".techniclauncher" folder and any download files you got from the Technic website, you should be good. Now simply download the "Linux/Jar file" option.
  15. Yes, but first completely delete anything related to the Technic Pack from your computer. We want a fresh start. Make sure you choose to download the "Linux/Jar file" option.
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