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About Phazedgames

  • Birthday 01/01/1900

Phazedgames's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. Re: Best way to prevent Combustion Engine overheating? use read stone to make a timer that ticks off for 5mins then continue you can find it in redpower its called a sequencer. just need to link all out puts exept for one
  2. PermissionsEx loaded fien as far as i can see from the log 2012-03-30 23:30:20 [sEVERE] Error loading permissions file initializing PermissionsEx v1.19.1 (Is it up to date?). sorry it did not load their it thinks its not up to date so any ideas
  3. hi i have bee n trying to set up permistions for my server so far: http://pastebin.com/5ngGtpCm vip is not set because my team are still discussing the permissions ande these are the errors: http://pastebin.com/DLvyLqdJ can some one help please
  4. I have been trying to use bPermissions to set permissions and have been very unsuccessfull and it does not seam to work this is what i got so far: #Specify the name of your default group here: default: default #Groups list, this is the only other list that should be in your groups.yml: groups: #This line specifies the name of your group: admin: #You specify your permission nodes here: permissions: - ^group.moderator - bPermissions.admin - bukkit.broadcast.admin - bukkit.broadcast - bukkit.command.kill - bukkit.command.list - bukkit.command.whitelist - bukkit.command.whitelist.reload - bukkit.command.whitelist.remove - bukkit.command.xp - tracks.* - commandbook.give.infinite - commandbook.more.infinite - commandbook.setspawn - commandbook.warp.set - commandbook.time.check - commandbook.say - commandbook.rocket.other - commandbook.barrage.other - commandbook.gamemode - commandbook.gamemode.change - commandbook.gamemode.change.other - commandbook.gamemode.check.other - commandbook.debug.clock - commandbook.reload - commandbook.kick.exempt.override - commandbook.bans.exempt - commandbook.bans.exempt.override - commandbook.bans.load - commandbook.bans.save - commandbook.god - commandbook.god.other #Groups to inherit. This means admin inherits moderator's permissions: groups: - moderator #Meta data for prefix, suffix, and group priorities: meta: priority: '100' prefix: '&f[&4admin&f]' default: permissions: - bukkit.broadcast.user - group.default groups: [] meta: prefix: '&f[&9Geust&f]' suffix: ' Newbie' moderator: permissions: - ^group.user - bukkit.command.ban.ip - bukkit.command.ban.player - bukkit.command.ban - bukkit.command.kick - group.moderator - commandbook.give - commandbook.give.other - commandbook.give.stacks - commandbook.give.stacks.unlimited - commandbook.more - commandbook.who - commandbook.spawnmob - commandbook.spawnmob.many - commandbook.weather - commandbook.weather.thunder - commandbook.teleport - commandbook.teleport.other - commandbook.locations.coords - commandbook.return - commandbook.call - commandbook.home.teleport - commandbook.home.other - commandbook.home.teleport.other - commandbook.home.set - commandbook.home.set.other - commandbook.warp.teleport - commandbook.warp.teleport.other - commandbook.warp.list - commandbook.broadcast - commandbook.say.me - commandbook.mute - commandbook.clear - commandbook.clear.other - commandbook.slap - commandbook.slap.other - commandbook.rocket - commandbook.barrage - commandbook.shock - commandbook.shock.other - commandbook.freeze - commandbook.heal - commandbook.heal.other - commandbook.whois - commandbook.whois.other - commandbook.ip-address - commandbook.debug.info - commandbook.kick - commandbook.kick.exempt - commandbook.bans.ban - commandbook.bans.unban - commandbook.bans.isbanned - commandbook.bans.baninfo groups: - user meta: priority: '50' prefix: '&f[&5moderator&f]' builder: permissions: - ^group.default - group.user - commandbook.motd - commandbook.rules - commandbook.spawn - commandbook.msg - commandbook.away groups: - default meta: prefix: '&f[&9Geust&f]' suffix: ' Newbie' it does not seem to work at all. may you pleas give me some pointers and tell me what i may be missing to get it to work thank p.s. Some one replyed to the my last one but when i tryed to reply the post was deleted or removed sorry.
  5. Nope cant spawn any tekkit items. when i try to it says invalid items
  6. Hi have been trying to set up Tekkit on to my server which uses Multicraft and have been very unsuccessfull as items do not load and the map loader does not work so there are no vocanos, oil and any other things related to tekkit Can some one please help
  7. Hi there i have been trying to set up Tekkit on to my Mossycobble Server that uses Multicraft and have been failing. i started off by uploading the jar file and making the config file then i uploaded all the files to the server directory and it has failed to load all mods and items as well as it crashes when some one connects to the server this is what Happens when i take make an item or place an item in quick slots 10.03 22:00:03 [server] SEVERE at net.minecraft.server.NetworkReaderThread.run(SourceFile:76) 10.03 22:00:03 [server] SEVERE at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.c(NetworkManager.java:270) 10.03 22:00:03 [server] SEVERE at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.h(NetworkManager.java:152) 10.03 22:00:03 [server] SEVERE at net.minecraft.server.Packet.a(Packet.java:79) 10.03 22:00:03 [server] SEVERE at net.minecraft.server.Packet107SetCreativeSlot.a(SourceFile:25) 10.03 22:00:03 [server] SEVERE at net.minecraft.server.Packet.b(Packet.java:150) 10.03 22:00:03 [server] SEVERE at net.minecraft.server.ItemStack.<init>(ItemStack.java:39) 10.03 22:00:03 [server] SEVERE at net.minecraft.server.ItemStack.setData(ItemStack.java:153) 10.03 22:00:03 [server] SEVERE java.lang.NullPointerException as well as the world dont want to generate the with the new minerials and Oil pools PLEASE HELP!!! thank you
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