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Everything posted by ToxicSoul9

  1. InGameName: ToxicSoul9 About me: I have been playing Minecraft for almost a year, and Tekkit fro about 4 months. Am a friendly person, who likes to help anyone who can. I like to meet new people. Location: UTC-6 (Guatemala) Why Tekkitia?: Because i like playing with people who like to play, not just spend time messing with other people. I like it cus its a small server, so everyone knows everyone. And the best of all, it has Forestry! I learned Tekkit watching Direwolf20 and he uses Forestry for alot of things, its a shame that tekkit doesn't have it. Do you understand troublemaking/rule-breaking/griefing will get you banned/removed? I do, in fact, i hate however does it.
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