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The Eight-Bit Link

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Everything posted by The Eight-Bit Link

  1. Title: Wacky Teleport pipes Version: 3.1.2 OS: Windows 7 SP1 64-bit Java Version: Java 7 update 7 64-bit Description of Problem: Teleport pipes,as we know, do not work between dimensions. No problem, I can work around them. However, if I have two connected energy teleport pipes in the nether, and try to use an energy teleport pipe in the overworld on another frequency, both the nerther pipes and the overworld pipes stop working. I can easily replicate this over and over, at will. Any help would be appreciated! Error Messages: Error Log:
  2. Okay, you *should* have java & installed, but if not, install it. it's the most recent version and the only way nether ores will work.
  3. No problem. I had the same issue with nether ores.
  4. No, I'm having the same issue. EE is broken in Tekkit for me too... It's so broken I have to put the items in the 'burn' slot, exit the UI, then re right click to make it work...
  5. Watchful11: Way to go, if you didn't tl;dr, you would see the question was Let me be the first to say You're winner. 0/10. I lol'd. ThExRedPanda: Take a chill pill bro. This guy obviously has issues. Don't let his childish remark get under your skin. Fo' seriously, this is the internet. People can act like that. Now, it looks like enderstorge is having issues. I would suggest either removing enderchests or re-installing your server. Perhaps a plugin you installed is causing trouble?
  6. Ahh... this one. Okay, well, as it turns out, the batch script they ship with the server may as well be a text file saying hello world for the good it does. Try this: @ECHO OFF SET BINDIR=%~dp0 CD /D "%BINDIR%" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\bin\java.exe" -Xmx1024M -Xms1024M -jar tekkit.jar PAUSE If you are running 64 bit java, replace Program Files (x86) with Program Files
  7. I spy with my little eye a troll. 0/10.
  8. Title: Equivalent Exchange does not work right Version: 3.1.2 OS: Windows 7 64 Bit SP1 Java Version: Java 7 64 Bit Description of Problem: The transmutation table does not function properly. When placing stuff in the left side, nothing appears in the right. Putting things in the fire only works if one exits the table UI and re-right clicks it. This is probably a known bug and just a re-post, but I couldn't find any previous threads. Error Messages: Error Log:
  9. Mo Creatures is not in Tekkit.
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